
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

when we persist in holding others’ sins against them.
Unforgiveness puts us in prime position for demonic influence
and activity to take advantage of us. (See the parable of the
unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:21–35 for one descriptive
example.) And anything that dampens or deadens the freedom
that God’s mercy is meant to give us—can it really be worth
holding onto?

Listen, God knows how to deal with sin. Our sin, their sin.
When you choose to forgive someone, you’re not wiping their
actions away as if the bad things didn’t happen, giving people
a free pass from the harm they’ve caused. You’re just sparing
yourself the burden of working two extra jobs—being judge
and jury for how justice is meted out in this situation. Why not
let someone relieve you of the pressure—Someone who
actually knows what He’s doing? And Someone who’s just
waiting right now to talk with you about it?

His forgiveness, my friend... is freedom.

Yes, His forgiveness. His forgiveness of you is what makes
your forgiveness possible toward others. Realize you are lying
back already in a vast blue ocean of forgiveness—same as me,
same as all of us who’ve been redeemed through the blood of

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