
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

are also able to lift you from the quicksand of old hurts and
wounds, setting your “feet upon a rock” and putting “a new
song” on your lips (Ps. 40:2–3), a song of...

Praise: Thank Him for championing your freedom,
even at the cost of your comfort.
Repentance: Ask the Lord to forgive you for
harboring unforgiveness in your heart. Confess
any hatred, any bitterness, any harmful actions
made in anger toward others. As you sense God’s
forgiveness toward you for your sin, extend it to
them for theirs.
Asking: Record the name of the person or
persons who’ve hurt you. And then speak their
names out loud while asking for a heart that can
genuinely forgive and release them from the debt
you feel they owe.
Yes: Commit to responding actively in any way
God’s Spirit might urge you to do.

I sense courage coming from your prayer closet.

And the sweet smell of forgiveness... and freedom.
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