
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Uniting in a Common Cause

If I were your enemy, I’d work to create division between you
and other Christians, between groups of Christians, anyone
with the potential for uniting in battle against me and my
plans. I’d keep you operating individually, not seeing your
need for the church or tying yourself too closely to its mission.
Strength in numbers and unity of purpose... I would not
allow things like these to go unchecked.

Friendly fire is the term used in military circles to describe
soldiers killed in the line of duty by their own fellow fighters.
Various military reports put the estimate of wartime deaths and
other incidents attributable to friendly fire as high as 20
percent, some even higher. Imagine the added sense of
devastation that staggers a young wife or a set of parents
when that uniformed chaplain comes to the door to deliver the
news of their loved one’s death. Killed in defense of their

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