
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

If we’re not praying for oneness—seriously, specifically,
strategically—we’re leaving our hopes for togetherness to the
fickle weather patterns of emotion, misunderstanding, and
imposed pressure from outside sources and circumstances.
We’re giving the enemy room and access to scout for breaks in
the line, then to nudge his way into cracks in our relationships,
separating us from the people we need most for maintaining
our health and balance and authenticity, as well as from the
shared energy and ideas required for our relationships to

Prayer is what greases the friction between us, lubricating
around the grit and flecks of irritability that work themselves
into the system, preventing the normal wear and tear of life
from causing us to grate against or rub on one another. Instead
we maintain our fluid motions, our synchronized
interconnections. Prayer helps us stay focused on bigger
things, on much more eternal things than the petty stuff that
threatens to puff itself up beyond actual size and become some
huge deal it doesn’t deserve to be. In prayer we experience the
kind of hard-fought peace that unites us into an army of
soldiers for Christ.

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