
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

that are less than flattering—things you’d never want them to
know that you said or found so pleasurably, provocatively

I realize how easy some of these habits and attitudes can be
to fall into. But each time you detect them taking shape, both in
yourself as well as in others, realize you’re being taunted by an
opposing batter. He’s pulling out every trick in his strategy
book. He’s working to keep you from winding up and throwing
a fastball of peace right over the heart of the plate, where all he
can do is stand there and watch it sail past him. He wants to
keep your aim wide of the target, low and outside, hoping to
get to first base and keep himself in the game. Hoping to give
himself a fighting chance for as long as possible.

Because if it weren’t for him trying to get in there and cause
trouble, would any of us be feeling the need to nurse hurt
feelings, harbor unforgiveness, belabor the gossip, or (for
goodness sake) find a whole new set of friends?

He’s the reason our team doesn’t always want to play like

And I say we throw him that third strike.
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