
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

These people were, well... different. At least different from
most of the people I was accustomed to sitting around doing
Bible study with. But the difference was unusual in a beautiful
way. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on what gave me this first
impression, what made them so intriguing to me. Neither could
I be sure I’d made the right decision to show up here at a
stranger’s house. I mean, these people didn’t know me; I didn’t
know them. But somehow I felt comfortable. And since I was
there already, I figured the only right choice was to stay and
see... see what made this gathering so unique.

I slipped into a seat on the side. Out of the way. A few
people smiled politely. Nodded. I took in my surroundings for a
minute or two, and then the meeting started.

Sort of.

Because nothing really happened. Nothing official, that is.
No one standing front and center. No welcome. No
announcements. No opening Bible reading. Just...

A holy hush. Soft worship music lightly pulsed in the
background, while a thick silence fell across everyone present.
Some of them slipped to their knees, eyes closed, hands either

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