
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

and prayers on a card we provide. Then we ask them to bring
their card during a moment of worship and lay it alongside all
the others on the steps at the front of the platform. Then I lead
the entire group in corporate prayer for the hundreds and
hundreds of needs that are so visibly expressed before us.
When the event is over, we collect all the cards. Then each
woman takes the written request of another woman home with
her, promising to post it in a place where she’ll be reminded of
it and will commit to pray for it fervently for the next seven full
days. So while one woman is covering the request of another—
likely a stranger she may never see again this side of eternity—
another woman is praying for her.

After all these years, all these events, and all of these
requests, I don’t know how many thousands of women have
participated in this exercise. All I know for sure is that since
that meeting years ago, I’ve sensed something highly
important happening as a result of women vocalizing their
prayers on paper, narrowing down their focus onto what truly
mattered most to them, and then becoming consistent and
diligent in taking those prayers to the Father.

And I know without a doubt that God planned the chance
for you and me to get together like this too—to unite through

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