
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

likely to see them, speak them, and have your heart
transformed by them. His Word is truth, my friend. And your
enemy trembles before it—because, while he’ll never admit it
until that great day when every knee shall bow (even his) in
awed acknowledgment of God’s preeminent power, he knows
it’s true as well. This is the beginning of the end for his
influence on your life, for his arrogant assumption that he can
do anything he wants with you, and you won’t have the power
to fight back or resist.

Oh, is he ever in for a shock.

And it all starts with those prayers.

So pray them with thanksgiving. “Be anxious for nothing,”
Paul said, “but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Phil.
4:6, author emphasis). Approach God boldly with every single
need. Never with a hint of fear, guilt, or shame. But always
incubate those requests in gratitude. You’ll know you’re
trusting Him when you’re simultaneously being thankful to
Him... thankful for who He is, for what He’s already done, and
for what He’s currently doing. If you ever don’t know what to
pray exactly, just start with gratitude. Affirm out loud that you

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