
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

You and I, coming to the Father through the mighty name of
Jesus, can pray like the victorious saints of God we’ve been
empowered to be. And we can expect to prevail. But we can’t
expect to experience this power unless we’re serious about
joining the battle in prayer.

All right, then—before we get going—here are just a few
bits and pieces of framework that might help you in getting
started. We’ll be using these reminders throughout to help the
prayers you write stay anchored and strong:

P—Praise: Thanksgiving is one of the most
important aspects of prayer. It’s not just a means
of warming up (or buttering up). It’s not just a
preamble before getting down to what we really
came to say. Gratitude to God for who He is and
what He’s already done should thread throughout
every prayer because ultimately His name and His
fame are the only reasons any of this matters.
R—Repentance: God’s real desire, in addition to
displaying His glory, is to claim your heart and the
hearts of those you love. So prayer, while it’s
certainly a place to deal with the objectives and
details we want to see happening in our
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