I dance for a living and like to
do things that are highenergy,
so I try to do other physical
activities that require me to
focus in a different way – toslow
the fuck down. Martial arts, yin
yoga. Even trying to cook slower
and eat slower.I also clean like
a demon, because clear surfaces
help me focus.Get into all the
dusty bits and get it out.
i o c t
gggg rr a d au hhh
ItrytobeaskindtomyselfasIwould a small child,tostay
feelingsparky(orevenjustfairlyOK,some days).Lots of freshair;
family and friendtime; making things;nourishingsnacks;warm
baths and comfyself-tucking-inatnight.Gettinng enoughsleeepis
really important,andIavoiddrinkingalcohol because itmakesme
depressed.I also do some lazyyogaeveryday tofeelbrighterall
over. Forme,lookingafter brain means lookingafterbody.
After a hardday writing my hyper-
personal memoir,Get Up, Mum,I
like to knock off with a big can
of Victoria Bitter. Justkidding!
Sometimes my brain is like a dog.
Itgets restless and wants to be
taken for a walk. I bringmy senses
for company,reminding myselfto
smellthe leaves and watchthe
clouds and listen to the brook.
Other times, my brainis like a baby
–itgetsfrazzled andjust wants
to be swaddled.Ilie on my bed in
a dark room with noise-cancelling
headphones listening to the sounds
of the sea(orSea Changeby Beck).
Ain’t noparty like a self-careparty!
ffrrrraannceesss ccaa n n,, rtistt
Isometimeshave anxiety/panicattacks, andthebests wayfor me
to dealwith themistoconsistentlycheckin on howII’m feeling,
acknowledgingthoseemotions.Thatway,I canusually tetllifI’m
goingtohaveananxn ietyattackandcanpreppareaccordingly,,by
sittingdoown,finding a quiet spaceorcalling aafriend. If I’m
painting;walkingmydog;writing shitpoetry;and spending
time withfriends(or just askingthem toseendmememes if I
needtime alone).Watching TV showslikeeRuuPaul’s DragRace
andThe Officealso calms medown.
real life