184 Chapter 7 Nominals and noun phrases
(11) pa-: agent
gaja ‘joke’ pagaja ‘jokester’
soro ‘order’ pasoro ‘messenger/missionary’
tane ‘farm’ patane ‘farmer’
(12) pa-...-an
a. location
jaga ‘guard’ pajaga'an ‘guarded area’
sare ‘sleep’ pasareyan/paseran ‘cemetery’
mowa' ‘load’ pamowa'an ‘loading area’
b. agent
nyanyi ‘sing’ panyanyi ‘singer’
jalan ‘road’ pajalanan ‘traveler’
bako ‘tobacco’ pabakowan ‘tobacconist’
(13) pang-
a. agent
are' ‘scythe’ pangare' ‘grass cutter’
jai' ‘sew’ panjai' ‘tailor’
bajar ‘pay’ pambajar ‘payer/bursar’
b. instrument
toddu' ‘point’ panoddu' ‘pointer/hand of a clock’
gai' ‘poke’ panggai' ‘poker’
garis ‘line’ panggaris ‘ruler’
(14) pang-...-an: abstract noun
parenta ‘command’ pamarenta'an ‘government’
arte ‘mean/understand’ pangarteyan ‘understanding’
bagi ‘distribute’ pambagiyan ‘distribution’
The most productive processes derive process and result nominals. See section
11 for discussion.
3. Pronouns
Pronominal forms can constitute an NP or the head of an NP. The familiar
speech level has a limited set of pronouns (see Chapter 3 section 2.4). First,
second, and third person are distinguished, although the second and third per-
sons are derived forms.