A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Additional voice constructions 279

In some instances for some speakers, ta can be affixed to a transitive stem
to derive an active clause. In this case, the agent is the subject and the object
occurs in a prepositional phrase. (The sentence in (127) is taken from Stevens

(126) Hasan ta-pokol ka/dha' Bambang.
Hasan IN-hit to Bambang
‘Hasan accidentally hit Bambang.’

(127) Sengko' ta-ng-abas dha' Paman.
I IN-AV-see to uncle
‘I accidentally saw Uncle.’

In (127), ta co-occurs with the actor voice morpheme ng.
Some speakers in Western Madura occasionally use ka- as the involitive
prefix, perhaps due to the influence of Javanese, which has the involitive prefix
ke-, as in (128) and (129).

(128) Dlubang-nga ka-coco.
paper-DEF IN-stab
‘The paper got stabbed accidentally.’

(129) Ali a-gaja bi’ Hasan pas ka-pokol cethag-ga.
Ali AV-joke with Hasan then IN-hit head-DEF
‘Ali was goofing around with Hasan and got hit in the head.’

6.3 Adversative

That the action of the clause adversely affects one of the participants can be
expressed through the circumfix ka-...-an (cognate with Indonesian and Java-
nese ke-...-an). The subject of the clause is the entity adversely affected by the

(130) Motor-ra Dayat ka-gaggar-an ennyor.
car-DEF Dayat AD-fall coconut
‘Dayat’s car got fallen on by a coconut.’

(131) Deni ka-semprod-an aeng panas bi' ana'-eng.
Deni AD-spray water hot by child-DEF
‘Deni got sprayed with hot water by his son.’

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