A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

320 Chapter 10 Modifications to argument structure

(141) a. Na'-kana' a-berka' dha' toko.
RED-child AV-run to store
‘The children ran to the store.’

b. Siti ma-berka' na'-kana' dha' toko.
Siti AV.CS-run RED-child to store
‘Siti made the children run to the store.’

(142) a. Nabun a-caca ka ebu'-na.
Nabun AV-talk to mother-DEF
‘Nabun talked to her mother.’

b. Hasan ma-caca Nabun ka ebu'-na.
Hasan AV.CS-talk Nabun to mother-DEF
‘Hasan made Nabun talk to her mother.’

(143) a. Ali a-lako.
Ali AV-work
‘Ali worked.’

b. Jaragan-na ma-lako Ali.
boss-DEF AV.CS-work Ali
‘The boss made Ali work.’

The causative sentences in (141b-143b) are not acceptable for all speakers. For
some, only the periphrastic causatives in (144-146) are grammatical with this
set of verbs.

(144) Siti nyoro na'-kana' a-berka' dha' toko.
Siti AV.order RED-child AV-run to store
‘Siti made the children run to the store.’

(145) Hasan nyoro Nabun a-caca ka ebu'-na.
Hasan AV.order Nabun AV-talk to mother-DEF
‘Hasan made Nabun talk to her mother.’

(146) Jaragan-na nyoro Ali a-lako.
boss-DEF AV.order Ali AV-work
‘The boss made Ali work.’

The sentences in (144-146) are acceptable to all speakers. To those for whom
both variants are acceptable, the sentences in (141b-143b) imply more direct
causation/coercion that do the periphrastic causatives.

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