326 Chapter 10 Modifications to argument structure
c. Samidin lo' e-pa-lako bi’ jaragan-na.
Samidin not OV-CS.AV-work by boss-DEF
‘His boss didn’t let Samidin work.’
In (158a), the negative morpheme immediately precedes the verb stem alako
‘work (actor voice)’ and immediately follows the causative. In (158b), lo' im-
mediately precedes the causative morpheme and follows the object voice e-. In
(158c), the negative occurs before the entire inflected stem epalako ‘be made to
work’. Despite the different ordering of morphemes, these sentences are truth-
conditionally equivalent.
Structural variations also arise with reciprocal and collective construc-
tions. As described in detail in Chapter 14 section 14.3, there are two principal
means of forming reciprocals, either through the use of the distributive clitic
saleng or through reduplication of the verb root plus the suffix -an.^13 The syn-
onymous sentences in (159) and (160) illustrate these.
(159) Na'-kana' saleng teggu' tanang-nga.
RED-child DIST hold hand-DEF
‘The children held hands.’
(160) Na'-kana' gu'-teggu'-an tanang-nga.
RED-child RED-hold-AN hand-DEF^
‘The children held hands.’
Causative reciprocals can be formed with either of the two structures. In (161),
the causative morpheme is affixed to the distributive morpheme saleng.
(161) Guru-na ma-saleng teggu' na'-kana' tanang-nga.
teacher-DEF AV.CS-DIST hold RED-child hand-DEF
‘The teacher made the children hold one another’s hands.’
In the synonymous sentence in (162), the causative is affixed to the reduplicated
stem, gu'-teggu'.
(162) Guru-na ma-gu'-teggu'-an na'-kana' tanang-nga.
teacher-DEF AV.CS-RED-hold-AN RED-child hand-DEF
‘The teacher made the children hold one another’s hands.’
(^13) As described in Chapter 14, a number of morphemes other than saleng are also possi-
The order of nominals following the causative reciprocal verb magu'-teggu'an is
relatively fluid. The unmarked order is the causee (here na'-kana' 'children)