328 Chapter 10 Modifications to argument structure
indicates that an argument that is syntactically oblique in the basic usage of the
verb is a core argument in the clause. The data in section 1 demonstrate that -e
is correlated with the presence of a core argument bearings a locative thematic
role, including goal and goal-stimulus roles. The data in section 2 illustrate a
correlation between -agi and the presence of a core argument with benefactive,
instrumental, or subject matter thematic role. While generally considered appli-
cative affixes in the literature on closely related languages (Arka 2003 on Bali-
nese, Musgrave 2001 and Ross 2002 on Indonesian, Donohue 1999 on Tukang
Besi), in these instances, these affixes actually parallel the function of the voice
morphology. Specifically, as -e/-agi indicate linking of specific thematic roles
with core argument status, actor voice indicates that the subject bears the ac-
tor/agent role and object voice indicates that the theme or some other non-actor
argument is the subject. Viewed in this way, -e and -agi (in these uses) might be
correctly considered part of the voice system and not merely applicative affixes.
On this view, Madurese is more closely allied with other western Austro-
nesian languages recognized as having more highly articulated voice systems,
languages such as the Philippine languages, Formosan languages, and Malaga-
sy. For example, in Philippine languages, arguments bearing many different
thematic roles can serve as subject of a clause. Special verbal morphology oc-
curs depending on the role of the argument selected as subject. The sentences in
(168) from Tagalog illustrate.
(168) Tagalog (Schachter 1976:494-495)^1
a. Mag-sali angbabae ng bigas sa sako para sa bata.
AT-will.take.out T-woman G-rice D-sack B-child
‘The woman will take some rice out of a/the sack for a/the child.’
b. Aalisin ng babae ang bigas sa sako para sa bata.
GT.will.take.out A-woman T-rice D-sack B-child
‘A/The woman will take the rice out of a/the sack for a/the child.’
c. Aalisan ng babae ng bigas ang sako para sa bata.
DT.will.take.out A-woman G-rice T-sack B-child
‘A/The woman will take some rice out of the sack for a/the child.’
d. Ipag-salis ng babae ng bigas sa sako ang bata.
BT-will.take.out A-woman G-rice D-sack T-child
‘A/The woman will take some rice out of a/the sack for the child.’
(^1) Schachter (1976) and Schachter and Otanes (1972) refer to the subject as the 'topic'.
Here T = topic, A = actor, G = goal, D = direction, and B = benefactive. Thus AT = actor
topic , GT = goal topic, and so on.