A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Complementation 343

(37) Siti lo' tao ja' Ina mangkat dha' Jakarta are Kemmes.
Siti not know COMP Ina leave to Jakarta day Thursday
‘Siti does not know whether Ina left for Jakarta on Thursday.’

In this environment, apa ‘what’ can occur in initial position in the complement
clause (38), and the complement can be analyzed as an embedded yes/no ques-
tion. (See Chapter 14, section 1 for a discussion of yes/no questions.)

(38) Siti lo' tao apa Ina mangkat dha' Jakarta are Kemmes.
Siti not know what Ina leave to Jakarta day Thursday
‘Siti does not know whether Ina left for Jakarta on Thursday.’

For many speakers, mon ‘if’ acts as a primary complementizer as well,
with the same properties as ja'. While this might be expected with embedded
questions, such as (39), its use is not limited to these environments. As the
clauses in (40) and (41) indicate, both ja' and mon can be used in non-
interrogative environments.

(39) Siti lo' tao mon Ina mangkat dha' Jakarta are Kemmes.
Siti not know if Ina leave to Jakarta day Thursday
‘Siti does not know whether Ina left for Jakarta on Thursday.’

(40) Sinap ma-yaken Wati mon/ja' bapa’-eng banne maleng.
Sinap AV.CS-sure Wati if/COMP father-DEF not thief
‘Sinap convinced Wati that their father is not a thief.’

(41) Anom a-janji dha’ Bibbi' mon/ja' labang-nga bakal e-pa-becce'
uncle AV-promise to aunt if/COMP door-DEF will OV-CS-good
are Sennen.
day Monday
‘Uncle promised Auntie that the door would be fixed on Monday.’

Within the category of complement clause-compatible predicates, only
some predicates can take sentential subjects in their basic use (that is, neutral or
actor voice). The majority of predicates, however, take object complements.
Those taking sentential subjects include budhu ‘stupid’ (42) and pacengngeng
‘surprise’ (43).^4 Those taking object complements include kera^ ‘think’ (35)
and tao ‘know’ (37) as well as payaken ‘convince’ and janji ‘promise’.

(^4) Some speakers prefer the use of mon to ja' with clausal subjects or the absence of an
overt complementizer altogether.

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