A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

358 Chapter 11 Complex sentences

bedded clauses (see Chung 1976 and Kana 1986 for Indonesian, Davies 1990
for Javanese, Arka 2003 for Balinese, and Kurniawan 2010). These analyses
liken the structure of these sentences to the English sentence in (100).

(100) Kate is believed by many to have been selected Daughter of the Year.

However, the facts surrounding the Madurese sentences indicate that the struc-
ture more closely parallels the English sentence in (101).

(101) Many believe of Kate that she was selected Daughter of the Year.

The English construction is akin to what has been referred to by Higgins (1981)
as ‘prolepsis’ in Zacapoaxtla Nahuat and in Ancient Greek and Latin, in which
an apparent nonthematic object in the matrix clause anticipates the referent of
that object as a thematic argument of the embedded clause. Examination of the
Madurese structures indicates many differences between sentences such as
(98b) and (99b) and the grammatical properties generally cited as characteristic
of raising structures but points to similarities between the Madurese and prolep-
sis structures.
The structures in the a-sentences and the b-sentences have obvious differ-
ences inasmuch as the matrix verb is in actor voice in one and object voice in
the other. This not a necessity for the prolepsis structure, however. Although a
subtle difference, (102b) is a prolepsis structure while (102a) is not.

(102) a. Siti ngera ja' Ina mangkat ka Jakarta are Kemmes.
Siti AV.think COMP Ina leave to Jakarta day Thursday
‘Siti thinks that Ina left for Jakarta on Thursday.’

b. Siti ngera Ina ja' mangkat ka Jakarta are Kemmes.
Siti AV.think Ina COMP leave to Jakarta day Thursday
‘Siti thinks about Ina that she left for Jakarta on Thursday.’

The only difference between the two structures is that in (102a), the basic struc-
ture, the complement subject Ina, follows the complementizer ja' while in
(102b) Ina precedes ja'. However, the verb kera ‘think’ is exceptional in that it
has precisely the same form in the basic and prolepsis structures. In all other
cases, the matrix verb has additional morphology, either the locative -e suffix or
the -agi suffix in the prolepsis structures. The b-sentences are translated here as
instances of prolepsis.

(103) a. Guru-na yaken Bambang bakal lulus ujiyan.
teacher-DEF sure Bambang will pass exam
‘The teacher is sure Bambang will pass the exam.’

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