Adverbial clauses 411
(103) Ya, pele kase saengga oreng Cena reya ng-amok sampe' dhateng
yes select bless therefore person China this AV-amok until come
dha' kraton rato-na bisa e-pa-kala.
to palace king-DEF can OV-CS-defeat
‘Because of the unfair treatment, the Chinese rampaged until they came
to the palace and defeated the king.’
(104) Nanges sampe' klambi-na bapa'-eng bacca.
AV.cry until clothes-DEF father-DEF wet
‘She cried until her father’s clothes were wet.’
There is no preposition/conjunction such as English ‘since’ that denotes a
starting point for a temporal adverbial clause. Rather an adverbial clause that
includes the verb molae ‘begin’ is used.
(105) Molae gi' kana' la e-ajar-i cara-cara-na oreng neng
begin still child already OV-learn-E RED-way-DEF person at
kraton, cara perrang ban en-laen-na.
kingdom way war and RED-other-DEF
‘Since they were kids, they had been taught the customs of the palace,
tactics of war, etc.’
(106) Engko' se ng-rabad-i ba'eng molae gi' kene' sampe' la towa
I REL AV-care-E you begin still small until already old
padha bi' reya.
same with this
‘I am the one who took care of you since you were small until you are big
like this.’
Of course, more literal translations are possible, such as ‘Beginning when they
were kids, they had been taught the customs of the palace, tactics of war, etc.’
for (105).
3.5.1 sa- adverbials
As described in sections 1.1 and 2, a very productive structure deriving tempor-
al adverbial clauses consists of sa- + verb + -na. The event denoted by the ad-
verbial clause precedes the event of the main clause, often times denoting im-
mediate precedence, as in (107) and (108).