420 Chapter 13 Anaphora
The sentence in (13) describes a notoriously greedy king who looks after only
himself, while (15) indicates that Arinda and no one else gave money to Ita and
her father.
Dibi' also combines with the prefix ka- in the dealiative (15) and decomit-
ative (16-17) uses.
(15) Arinda a-berri' pesse ka Satimma ban bapa'-na ka-dibi'.
Arinda AV-give money to Satimma and father-DEF KA-alone
‘Only Arinda gave money to Siti and her father.’
(16) Hasan ka-dibi'(-an).
Hasan KA-alone-AN
‘Hasan is by himself.’
(17) Sengko' entar-a ka Jakarta ka-dibi'(-an).
I go-IRR to Jakarta KA-alone-AN
‘I will go to Jakarta alone.’
The ka- prefix used here is the collective prefix used with numerals and quan-
tifiers to denote an exhaustive set. Therefore, when used in conjunction with
dibi' ‘alone’, it denotes exclusiveness.^1 The -an is that used sometimes in the
derivation of an adverb from an adjective.^2
The same effect is achieved through reduplication and affixation with -an,
which combine in the derivation of manner adverbs (Chapter 12 section 1.4).
This is illustrated in (18) and (19).
(18) Ke' Lesap bi'-dibi'-an a-tangdang bi' tandha' gella'.
Ke' Lesap RED-alone-AN AV-dance with dancer before
‘Ke' Lesap danced with the dancer by himself .’
(19) Mole se laen, kare bi'-dibi'-an jin bine' nanges.
go.home REL different left RED-alone-AN jin female AV.cry
‘The others went home, leaving the jin by herself crying.’
The fact that kadibi'(an) and bi'-dibi'an are essentially manner adverbs accounts
for the fact that they are actor-oriented and refer to the subject of the clause.
(^1) This use of ka- is detailed in Chapter 7 section 7.
(^2) The derivation of manner adverbials using -an is described in Chapter 12 section 1.4.