A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

428 Chapter 13 Anaphora

(52) Kadir so Jamal patang/saleng ng-angko' aeng.
Kadir and Jamal AV-carry water
‘Kadir and Jamal are carrying water.’

(53) Ali ban Hasan saleng mokol Bambang.
Ali and Hasan AV.hit Bambang
‘Ali and Hasan hit Bambang.’

(54) Rohimah ban Sinap saleng ngerem bestelan dha' embug-ga.
Rohimah and Sinap AV.send package to eld.sister-DEF
‘Rohimah and Sinap each sent a package to their big sister.’

Each of these sentences describes situation in which the subjects act indepen-
dently, sometimes with the implication of taking turns; but that is not necessary.
This implies multiple actions. Also, in each case the verb takes actor voice mor-
phology, distinguishing the structure from the reciprocal structure with saleng.
As (52) shows, patang also occurs in this structure. Here saleng denotes distri-
buted action. Reciprocals have this same implication of distributed actions as
each of the subjects acts on the other.
The form gante is a verb meaning ‘substitute’ or ‘follow’, as in (55).

(55) Pangeran Trunojoyo lo' ellem a-gante daddi rato Mataram.
Pangeran Trunojoyo not willing AV-follow become king Mataram
Lo' endha'.
not want
‘Pangeran Trunojoyo was not willing to succeed him and become the king
of Mataram. He didn’t want to.’

When used adverbially, it is usually reduplicated, sometimes with the -an suf-
fix, a typical means of deriving manner adverbs. In this usage, it implies that the
agents of the action took turns and did not act simultaneously.

(56) Ebu' ban Bapa' te-gante maca buku-na Kaka'.
mother and father AV.read book-DEF eld.brother
‘Mother and Father took turns reading Big Brother’s book.’

(57) Ali ban Hasan te-gante-n mokol Bambang.
Ali and Hasan AV.hit Bambang
‘Ali and Hasan took turns hitting Bambang.’

While the actions may occur close in time (Ali and Hasan may hit Bambang in
rapid succession), what is important is that multiple actions are implied.

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