A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

462 Chapter 14 Questions

(88) Bambang melle buku ban apa?
Bambang AV.buy book and what
‘What did Bambang buy a book and?’

(89) Ali entar dha' toko marena Siti maca apa?
Ali go to store after Siti AV.read what
‘What did Ali go to the store after Siti read?’

Unlike what has been documented for Indonesian (Saddy 1991) and Ma-
lay (Cole & Hermon 1998), the so-call partial movement questions do not exhi-
bit any island effects. Thus, in Madurese an interrogative phrase may be fronted
in the embedded clause in relative clauses (90b), adjuncts (91b), and sentential
subjects (92b). The a-sentences are the in situ variants, provided here to indicate
the source of a ‘partial movement’ structure.^12

(90) a. Ita nempeleng oreng se a-bala ja' Hasan tresna dha' sapa?
Ita AV.slap person REL AV-say COMP Hasan love to who
‘Who did Ita slap the person who said that Hasan loves?’
i.e. ‘Who is the person x such that Ita slapped the person who said that
Hasan loves that person x.’

b. Ita nempeleng oreng se a-bala sapa se e-tresna-e Hasan?
Ita AV.slap person REL AV-say who REL OV-love-LOC Hasan
‘Who did Ita slap the person who said that Hasan loves?’

(91) a. Ali entar dha' toko marena Ita a-bukteyagi ja' Siti maca apa?
Ali go to store after Ita AV-prove COMP Siti AV.read what
‘What did Ali go to the store after Ita proved that Siti read?’

b. Ali entar dha' toko marena Ita a-bukteyagi apa se e-baca Siti?
Ali go to store after Ita AV-prove what REL OV-read Siti
‘What did Ali go to the store after Ita proved that Siti read?’

(92) a. Ja' Marlena a-bala ja' Hasan ngeco' apa lecek?
COMP Marlena AV-say COMP Hasan AV.steal what lie
‘What is it a lie that Marlena said that Hasan stole?’

b. Ja' Marlena a-bala apa se e-keco' Hasan lecek?
COMP Marlena AV-say what REL OV-steal Hasan lie
‘That Marlena said that Hasan stole what is a lie?’

(^12) Again, Sundanese presents a similar case in that 'partial movement' questions exhibit
no island effects. Davies and Kurniawan 2009 provides details.

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