466 Chapter 14 Questions
(105) %Ba' sapa se e-berri' pesse so Ali?
Q who REL OV-give money by Ali
‘Who did Ali give money?’
(106) %Ba' baramma Ina a-ola juko'-na?
Q how Ina AV-cook fish-DEF
‘How did Ina cook the fish?’
(107) %Ba' ngangguy apa Arinda ma-becce' komputer-ra?
Q using what Arinda AV.CS-good computer-DEF
‘What did Arinda fix the computer with?’
ba' can also occur following a fronted interrogative phrase, but in this case oc-
curs with nengan. This is illustrated by the questions in (102-104), which are
variants of (99-101) respectively.
(108) Sapa ba'nengan se e-berri' pesse so Hasan?
who Q REL OV-give money by Hasan
‘Who did Hasan give money to?’
(109) Baramma ba'nengan Ina a-ola juko'-na?
how Q Ina AV-cook fish-DEF
‘How did Ina cook the fish?’
(110) Ngangguy apa ba'nengan Arinda ma-becce' komputer-ra?
using what Q Arinda AV.CS-good computer-DEF
‘What did Arinda fix the computer with?’
Finally, for some speakers, ba' can occur sentence-internally as ba'nengan
immediately following the interrogative element in in situ questions. This struc-
ture is not acceptable to all speakers (and is thus marked %). The structure is
illustrated in (111) and (112). (113) provides an additional illustration of the
three options.
(111) %Hasan ngerem apa ba'nengan dha' Ali?
Hasan AV.send what Q to Ali
‘What did Hasan send to Ali?’
(112) %Ngerem sorat dha' sapa ba'nengan Ali?
AV.send letter to who Q Ali
‘Who did Ali send a letter to?’