Parembi'na Joko Tole 501
- San olle sangang bulan pas rembi', rembi' kana' lake', baji' lake'
after get nine month then deliver deliver child male baby male
ce' gantheng-nga.
very handsome-DEF
After nine months, she delivered a baby boy, very handsome baby boy. - Tape pa-rembi'-eng Pottre Koneng lo' kalowar dara sakale, kana'.
but NOM-deliver-DEF Pottre Koneng not come.out blood once kids.
But after the delivery, Pottre Koneng did not bleed at all. - Ca'-eng dungeng, ja'reng Pottre Koneng a-rassa todhus keya
say-DEF story because Pottre Koneng AV-feel embarrassed too
andhi' ana' gita' a-lake , aba'eng gita' a-lake, pas
have child not.yet AV-husband she not.yet AV-husband then
nyoro dha' bu' emban bi' bu' mongmong,
AV.command to mother nanny with mother nurse
According to the story, because Pottre Koneng also felt ashamed to have a
child without being married, she said to her servants, - “Bu' mongmong, engko' menta'-a tolong dha' kake.
mother nurse I AV.ask-IRR help to you
“Nurse, I ask you to help me. - “Malle tang kai lo' todhus, malle tang ebu lo' todhus,
so.that my father not embarrassed so.that my mother not embarrassed
engko' keya lo' todhus, buwang-ngagi tang baji' reya dha'
I too not embarrassed discard-AGI my baby this to
tengnga alas.
center forest
“So that my father is not ashamed and so that my mother is not ashamed,
and I am not ashamed either, please abandon my baby deep in the forest. - “Engko' berra' se nyata-na ja'reng na'-kana' gi' buru ma-rocot
I heavy REL real-DEF because RED-child still just AV.CS-free
dhari sengko'.
from me
“I really feel sad about that this child I just delivered.