512 Texts
- E-olok pottre -na jiya e-tanya'-agi “Aba'eng jareya a-buberra' bi'
OV-call daughter-DEF this OV-ask-AGI you this AV-pregnant with
sapa mangkana aba'eng gi'ta' gadhuwan raka?”
who although you yet.not have husband
He called his daughter and asked her, “Are you pregnant even though you
still do not have a husband?” - Kalaban nanges pottre-na jareya nanges a-sapora dha' reng seppo
with AV.cry daughter-DEF this AV.cry AV-sorry to parent
lake'-eng jareya, ja' jareya ka-daddi-yan se ane.
male-DEF this COMP this NOM-become REL strange
Crying, the daughter asked her father for forgiveness, that this was a
mysterious thing. - Tape rato paggun ta' percaja, lo' percaja dha' ka-daddi-yan sabab lo'
but king still not believe not believe to NOM-become because not
maso' akkal, oreng bine' jareya bakal a-buberra'-a mon ta'
enter reason person female this will AV-pregnant-IRR if not
gadhuwan raka.
have husband
But the king did not believe this because it is illogical that a woman would
become pregnant if she didn't have a husband. - Pas e-duka-ne e-pate-na, makke pottre-na ja' la
then OV-angry-LOC OV-dead-IRR though daughter-DEF COMP already
a-ra-sapora dha' rama-na, dha' kai-na, rato paggun duka, paggun
AV-RED-sorry to father-DEF to father-DEF king still angry still
The king was angry and was going kill his daughter. Even though the
princess asked her father for forgiveness, the king was still wild with anger. - Pate-na se gella' jiya pas e-olok moso rato gella'.
pate-DEF REL before this then OV-call with king before
Then the pate was called by the king. - Ya, bi' rato pas laju e-soro pottre-na jiya pate'-e dha' alas ya.
yes with king then then OV-order daughter-DEF this dead-LOC to forest yes
He was ordered by the king to kill the princess in the forest.