A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

582 Index

Ca reduplication, 131, 140, 147
causative, 105, 315-327
-agi suffix, 108-109, 303-304,
clitics, and, 274-275, 326
locative suffix, 107, 298-299
reciprocals, and 326-327
reduplication, and 135-137
circumfix, 63, 104, 112, 114-115,
117-118, 279-280
reduplication, and, 133-134, 137
classifier, 206, 451
clause, nonverbal, 151-154
identificational, 151-152
locative, 152
quantificational, 153-154, 197-
198, 202
cleft, 65-66, 291, 349, 374-384,
447- 448, 453-455
clitic, 41-42, 93-95, 115-116, 121-
123, 392, 465
causative morpheme, and, 135,
numbers, 85-87, 199-200
comitative, 229-230, 426
comparative, 73, 75, 98, 117, 170-
complement clauses, 341-365, 413-
415, 433-435
aspectual predicates, 341, 345-
346, 354-356
clausal objects, 341-346
control, 350-354
null anaphors in, 433-435
prolepsis, 357-365
questions, 453-464
sentential subjects, 346-349
complementizer, 342-349, 358,
373, 463
compound, 127, 147-148, 155
concessive, 404-405
conditional, 263, 401-404

conjunction, 89-90, 232-233, 238-
239, 335-342
coordination, 238-239, 335-341
questions, and, 442-443, 463
subordination, 232-233, 398-413
420, 430, 442, 443, 463
connative, 261
control, 341-342, 345-346, 350-356
questions, and, 458
coordination, 238-239, 335-341
clausal, 335-338
subclausal, 338-341
correlative, 413

definite morpheme, 50-51, 109-
112, 243
adverbial expressions, in, 391-
393, 407-409
comparatives, in, 172-3
dialectal variation, 111-112
intensive adjectival construction,
73, 396
possession, 193-194
pronouns, 185
spelling, 57
stative reciprocals, in, 430-431
definiteness, 177-180, 448
subjects, and, 177-180
degree modifier, 73, 78, 103, 118,
204, 389, 396-397
deictic elements, 189
deletion, 25, 45-46, 48
demonstrative, 84-85, 151, 189-
position in NP, 214, 217-220
dialect, 5-6, 7, 27, 33, 46, 63?, 84,
90, 111-112, 190, 201-202, 220-
221, 273-273, 417, 444
direct object,
prepositional marking, 213, 247-
direct speech, 385-387
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