A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

584 Index

verbs of cognitive state, 291-292
see also dynamic intransitive
verbs, unaccusative, unergative
involitive, 67-68, 103, 120-121,
134, 248, 277-279
irrealis, 105, 123-124, 155, 260,
261-264, 266-267, 350
islands (syntactic), 462-464
iterative, 98, 101, 105-106, 138,
141, 143, 264-266

Kiliaan, HN, 6, 21, 29, 52, 94, 575

locative clause, 152
locative expressions, 225, 241-242,
locative noun, 112, 233, 241-245,
manner adverb, 79-80, 118, 230,
394-398, 420
measure, 86, 205, 206, 207, 404
modality, 267
mood, 105, 249, 260, 267, 588
morphophonemic processes, 41, 47-
51, 106, 123
aspiration, 48-49
epenthesis, 41-42, 47
gemination, 49-51, 56
nasal assimilation, 46-48

nasalization, 38, 40
nasal assimilation, 46-48
negation, 70-72, 90, 263, 273-275
existential, 155-156
imperative, 141, 169
morpheme order, 122-123, 135,
325-326, 429-430
quantification, 197-198
nominal predicate, 69, 71, 174, 197,
nominalization, 132, 183-184, 211,
228, 370-372
abstract, 112-115
agentive, 113-114

instrumental, 113
locative, 114
process, 115, 123, 211-214
result, 112, 145, 212-214 370-
null pronoun, 162, 167, 189, 431-
see also prolepsis
number, 85-87, 147, 199-205
partitives, in, 203-204

object voice and passive, 258
oblique, 328, 375
orthography, 52-60

parataxis, 338, 412-413
partitive, 203-204
passive, 102-104, 257-259
phonological processes
see deletion, epenthesis,
geminations, nasal assimilation,
vowel harmony, vowel
nasalization, vowel reduction
phonotactic constraint, 25-28, 43-
plural, 82-83, 137-139, 221-223,
nouns, 143-144, 182-183
pronouns, 82-83, 186-187
reciprocals, 428-429
verbs, 137-139, 142-143
see also number
imperatives, 313-314
requests, 263-264
speech levels, and, 475, 488
possession, 153-154, 185-186,
reduplication, and, 221-223
topic-comment structure, and,
possessive pronoun, 185, 193-194
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