A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

emergentism 43, 88, 99
emotions: and cognition 100–101; and
language learning 76; physiological
indicators of 102
Emotions and Multilingualism(Pavlenko)
encyclopedias 69
English language: AL focus on 19–20,
32; AL work in 10, 14–15, 23; global
spread of 79; innovation in teaching
123 – 4; school children’s proficiency
in 81
Erasmus exchanges 126
errors: increases in 97; tolerance for
125, 128; variation as 98
ESL (English as a Second Language)
18 – 19, 23, 81, 123, 131;see also
ESP (English for Special Purposes) 42
European Journal of Applied Linguistics
European Union, language policy of
81 – 2

feedback, internal 91
feedforward 91– 2
feeling of knowing 92
Finnish Association of Applied
Linguistics (AFinLA) 20
first language, impact on SLA 80;
see alsotransfer
first language acquisition 9, 73– 4
first-language education 79
fluency, focus in language teaching on
Flynn, Suzanne 59, 78
foreign language teaching: collaborative
environment in 85; early start of
81 – 2; history of research on 1;
innovation in 124, 132
form-focused instruction 45, 126
formal linguistics 58, 71, 134
Foucault, Michel 21, 82
fractals 102
France, AL community in 14
Freeman, Donald: introduction to AL
18; on language teaching 85

Garfield, Eugene 106, 119
Gass, Susan: description of AL 27; on
leaders 36; portrait of 43–4; on
research populations 70
gender, and leadership in AL 12, 13 ,23
generalizability 70– 1

Genesee, Fred: immersion research of
20; on impact of AL on language
teaching 130; on individual
differences 76; and language policy
82 – 3; on research populations 70
genre analysis 19, 132
Georgetown 15–17, 57
German language, AL work in 10– 11
Germany, language teaching in 125
GG (Generative Grammar) 57–60, 66,
Google Scholar 107–10, 109 , 116, 118,
Google Scholar Citations 108
Gorter, Durk: description of AL 33; on
impact of AL on language teaching
129; on technology 68
Grabe, William: description of AL 27;
on impact of AL on language
teaching 126; on key resources 138;
on leaders 36–7; on linguistic theories
58, 60; on SCT 63
grammar teaching 41, 123– 4

Hall, Joan Kelley 28, 58, 68, 83
Halliday, Michael 45
Handbook for Applied Linguistics(van Els
et al.) 54
Handbook of Second Language Acquisition
(Doughty/Long) 42, 54, 69
handbooks 4, 12, 63, 69, 109
Hawkins, Roger 58
heritage learners 70
h-index 12, 107–11, 112 , 117, 119
HistCite 52
Hodder Education 55
Hong Kong 13
How Languages are Learned(Lightbown/
Spada) 54
Hulstijn, Jan: on impact of AL on
language teaching 128; on language
policy 83; on linguistic theories 60;
on research methods 62

identity, and language 78–9, 138
ignorism 115
immersion education 40, 70, 130
informants: answering questionnaire 38;
citations of 142 – 4 ; educational
backgrounds of 15; influences on
21 – 2; as influences on others 22; lists
of 10 , 11 ; selection of 9–12, 14
information processing approach 92–3,

148 Index

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