A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

40; and language teaching 123, 138;
non-elite 70; Ortega’s focus on 45
multiple languages: development
of 4, 28; real world problems
with 34
Muñoz, Carmen 14, 127

N400 effects 92– 3
Nation, Paul: on impact of AL on
language teaching 129–30; influences
on 21–2; on leaders 36; and
vocabulary acquisition 84
native speakers: decentering of 77, 79,
127; and learners 65, 98
negotiation for meaning 75
Netherlands: bilingual education in 137;
language policy in 81
Netherlands, PhD programs in 16
neurobiology 47, 67, 71
neuro-degeneration 9
neuro-imaging: dialect and social
status in 92; use in AL 9, 31,
65, 67
neurolinguistics 9, 44, 67, 131
Newbury House 55
Nicholas, Howard: on impact of AL on
language teaching 127; on language
policy 82; on multiplicity of AL 31
Norris, John, meta-analyses by 69

Ortega, Lourdes: introduction to AL
19; on leaders 37, 40; meta-analyses
by 69; portrait of 45; on
questionnaire 38; on research
populations 19–20, 70; on theory
construction 61
The Other Tongue(Kachru) 54
output, Swain’s stress on 73
overview studies 68–9, 114, 119
Oxford, Rebecca: on impact of AL on
language teaching 128–9; introduction
to AL 20
Oxford University Press, handbooks
and encyclopedias 69

paradigm shifts 87, 103, 136
Pavlenko, Aneta: on CDST 88;
enthusiasm for project 139; on
identity 79; as leader 40; and
multilingualism 77; portrait of 47
Penn State University 31
Pennycook, Alastair: on identity of AL
30; on impact of AL on language
teaching 124; and multilingualism 78

phase transformations 97
PhD programs 15–16, 138
Phillipson, Robert: on critical
approaches 66; on ELF 80, 131
phonemes, ambiguous 92
physiological indicators 100– 101
politics, and AL research 81–2, 128
PoP (Publish or Perish) 108, 109 , 110
Portuguese language, AL work in 10
post-structuralism 79
power law distribution 97, 111,
117, 119
pragmatics 66, 92
primary education 76, 81– 2
Principles and Practice in Second
Language Acquisition(Krashen)
44, 53
professional organizations, leaders
in 37
proficiency: ability of adult learners to
achieve 76; and ELF 80; and
migration 34; as underexamined
notion 81
psycholinguistics: articles referencing
52; and CDST 90; co-citation in 9,
118; and code-switching 96; and
development of AL 29; focus on
isolated elements 94; and GG 59–60;
on language acquisition 74–6; move
away from 134–5, 138; and
sociolinguistics 71, 86; use of
term 73
The Psychology of the Language Learner
(Dörnyei) 53
psychotypology 74
publication data, analyzing 117
publication pressures 116
publications: impact over time 111, 113;
lack of core for AL 134; single- and
multi-author 114, 119
publishers 55– 6
PubMed 107– 8

qualitative research: standards for 62,
71; suspicion of 137
Questionnaire on the Sociology of
Applied Linguistics 140
Quinn, Terry 21

race, and leadership in AL 13, 23
Rampton, Ben: on ELF 80;
introduction to AL 17–18; on
technology 67– 8
reaction time data 3, 65

Index 151
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