A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

St Lambert project 48
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
(SSLA): image of 53; impact of
116 – 17; important articles in 51
Swain, Merrill: andALjournal 3; on
bilingualism 76; on identity 78; as
influence on others 22; K-12 research
of 20; on leaders 37; portrait of 40–1;
on research methods 62, 65; on SCT
63, 134
Sweden 9, 14– 15
syntactic priming 92
Systemic Functional Linguistics 88

Tarone, Elaine: on leaders 37; and
non-literate language learners 69; on
variation and variability 80
task-based approaches 127, 129;see also
Taylor & Francis 55
TBLT (task-based language teaching)
84 – 5, 123, 127
teacher education 82, 85, 122, 127,
129 – 31
teaching profession 127, 131
technology, impact on AL 67
TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers
of Other Languages) 8–9, 17–18, 32,
TESOL Quarterly(TQ) 51, 53,
116 – 17
testing: careers in 20; developments
in 132; ethics in 68, 126; in
Israel 82
textbooks 55, 123, 127
‘Theoretical bases of communicative
approaches to second language
teaching and testing’(Canale/Swain)
51 – 2
theoretical linguistics: importance in AL
16 – 17, 29–30, 34; moving to AL from
18, 20; trend away from 71; and
vocabulary 84
Theory Construction in Second Language
Acquisition(Jordan) 61
Thomas, Margaret: on impact of AL on
language teaching 128; introduction
to AL 20– 1
timescales 88, 100– 102
Tomasello, Michael 38, 60
transfer, in language acquisition 19, 74,
77, 85
triggering, of code-switching
95, 97

trilinguals 77–8, 81
Tucker, Dick: as influence on
others 22; on language policy 81;
portrait of 48
Tyler, Andrea: as influence on others
22; and linguistic theories 59–60; on
sociolinguistics 77

UB (usage based) approaches: and
CDST 88; growth in 30, 57–60, 71; N.
Ellis’work in 43; and vocabulary
acquisition 84
UG (Universal Grammar): decline of
school 16, 71; idea of language
module in 91; Lantolf on 59;
prominence of 30
Understanding Second Language
Acquisition(R. Ellis) 53, 59
United States: language policy in 81,
128; language shift in 78; PhD
programs in 15– 16
Universal Grammar and Second Language
Acquisition(White) 54
University of Boston Child Language
Development conferences 59
University of Maryland 16, 31
University of Nijmegen 2, 137

van Els, Theo, as influence on
others 22
VanPatten, Bill 58, 60, 83
variability 80, 97–9, 105
variation: in CDST 88–9, 97–8; leaders
in 39; and variability 80– 1
variation analysis 65, 80
Vienna corpus of ELF 66, 79
vocabulary, co-cited research in
vocabulary acquisition 84, 118
Vygotsky, Lev 41, 54, 60, 63

Wagner, Johannes: on CA 66; on
impact of AL on language teaching
123 – 4; introduction to AL 18; on
Wang, Chuming 60, 127
Ways with Words(Brice-Heath) 53
Weideman, Albert: on critical
approaches 66; on TBLT 84
Weltens, Bert 2, 75
White, Lydia: on applicability of AL
30; on GG 58; on impact of AL on

Index 153
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