A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

and his theory of underlying language proficiency (“Cummins’Iceberg”). He
also works on literacy in bilingual settings.
“Influential in research on teaching of minority language children.”“Does
sustainable research.”“Knows how to talk to teachers.”
Cummins, J. (1978)“Bilingualism and the developments of metalinguistic
awareness”,Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, vol. 9, no. 2: 131–49.
Cummins, J. (1979) “Linguistic interdependence and the educational
development of bilingual children”,Review of Educational Research, vol. 49,
no. 2: 222–51.

Bernard Spolsky

Bernard Spolsky’s interests and publications are wide-ranging: from language
policy to sociolinguistics, language management and language testing. He was
involved in setting up the journalApplied Linguistics.
“He has been an acting force on many levels and in a variety of research
areas.”“A deep thinker that had a major impact on the awareness of the
ethics of language testing.”“His 1989 book on foundational aspects of language
learning is mentioned frequently as one of the most important publications of
that era.”
Former president of TESOL.
Spolsky, B. (1989)Conditions for Second Language Learning: Introduction to a
General Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Spolsky, B. (2004)Language Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University

Rod Ellis

Rod Ellis is involved in research that relates SLA research and actual lan-
guage teaching. He has also worked on task-based language learning and
teaching. His bookThe Study of Second Language Acquisition, which first
appeared in 1994, has received regular updates and is probably the most
cited book in thefield of AL.
“He is an amazingly productive reviewer and encyclopedist. He defined
thefield and keeps it informed about SLA research and about language
classroom research. Also a leadingfigure in task-based learning and teaching
and in grammar pedagogy.”“He is consequential and had impact through
his books and lectures all over the world.”“His work has been so encom-
passing and it has dealt with so many aspects of SLA that it would be diffi-
cult to even provide a list.”“He calls himself an empiricist rather than a
Ellis, R. (1994/2013)The Study of Second Language Acquisition, Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Ellis, R. (2003)Task-based Language Learning and Teaching, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.

46 The leaders

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