(Phương Nguyễn ThếHHSS8I) #1

1 A 21 D 41 C 61 C

2 C 22 D 42 A 62 C

3 C 23 A 43 D 63 B

4 A 24 C 44 D 64 A

5 B 25 A 45 B 65 D

6 C 26 D 46 C 66 A

7 C 27 D 47 C 67 C

8 A 28 D 48 A 68 B

9 B 29 D 49 C 69 C

10 A 30 A 50 B 70 A

11 D 31 D 51 C 71 A

12 D 32 B 52 B 72 B

13 A 33 B 53 D 73 C

14 B 34 A 54 A 74 B

15 A 35 D 55 C 75 C

16 B 36 D 56 B 76 B

17 D 37 A 57 C 77 B

18 D 38 A 58 D 78 C

19 B 39 B 59 A 79 A

20 A 40 D 60 B 80 D


Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence or has the closest meaning
Question 1: I was angry when you saw me because I________ with my sister.
Have been arguing B. Argued C. had been arguing D. would argue
Question 2: Frankly, I’d rather you________ anything about it for the time being.
Don’t do B. hadn’t do C. didn’t do D. haven’t done
Question 3: Luckily, I________ a new a pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag.
Needn’t have bought B. needed not to buy C. didn’t need to buy D. hadn’t to buy
Question 4: She has just bought ____________.
A. an old interesting painting French B. a French interesting old painting
C. a French old interesting painting D. an interesting old French painting
Question 5: The letter to the Prime Minister needs________.
Rewording B. to reword C. reword D. be reworded
Question 6: The speed of light is_______the speed of sound.
A. faster B. much faster than C. the fastest D. as fast
Question 7: An earlier typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly, the typist,_______ couldn’t see his
work on this machine.
Therefore B. however C. yet D. although
Question 8: Not until late 1960s ____________on the Moon.
A. did Americans walk B. Americans walked
C. when Americans walked D. when did Americans walked
Question 9: She couldn't decide ____________to dive ____________ jump into water.
A. both/ or B. not only/ but also C. neither/ or D. whether/ or
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