- terrified of
- sure of ( about) :
- thoughtful of : >< thoughtless of
- tolerant of : khoan dung
- boastful of : khoe khoang
- innocent of :
+) Adj + to
- familiar to sb:
- acceptable to sb :
- addicted to st: ®am mª ®iÒu g×, nghiÖn ngËp c ̧i g× ®ã
- clear to :
- contrary to st :
- equal to:
- favourable to:
- graceful to sb:
- agreeable to :
- similar to st:
- responsible to sb:
- delightful to sb:
- generous to sb:
- harmful to sb for st:
- important to sb/ st:
- likely to :
- lucky to do st/ sb:
- open to
- pleasant to :
- preferable to :
- profitable to :
- rude to:
- useful to :
- necessary to st/ sb :
- available to sb:
- accustomed to st:
- friendly/ unfriend to sb:
- polite to sb:
- cruel to sb:
+) Adj + for
- late for:
- difficult for sb:
- famous for :
- dangerous for:
- gready for: tham lam
- necessary for:
- perfect for st:
- responsible for st:
- available for sb/st:
- suitable for:
- sorry for sb:
- qualified for :