Ushuaia – Tolhuim – 109 km
I was cautiously excited, as this was the day I was to start my travels through the
Americas. The route headed uphill out of Ushuaia and over the mountains, past
numerous ski resorts, some even sporting chair lifts, not something I was familiar
with. The road was in good condition, somewhat narrow but sealed. Motorists were
kind and gave cyclists a wide berth and a friendly warning hoot.
After about 50 kilometres, the route reached the top of Paso Garibaldi, featuring a
view over Lago Escondido and Lago Fagnano. Mountains provided shelter from the
wind and thus a false sense of security. The road sped downhill past Lago Escondido
and onto Tolhuim, situated on Lake Fagnano. Tolhuim was a strange town and it
was challenging to find accommodation or shops; maybe there weren’t any.
Eventually, I discovered a good enough spot to bed down.