1 334 Kilometres - 31 Days
Roadside camp, Chile - Puente Del Inca, Argentina – 40 km
Our first stop in Argentina was at the small touristy village of Puente Del Inca, which
came with a basic campground and a view of Aconcagua, the highest peak in the
Americas (6 960m).
Puente Del Inca, surrounded by high mountains, enjoyed spectacular vistas that
turned all colours of the rainbow by sunset. The village was further home to a natural
bridge over the Vacas River, said to have been formed by glaciers and hot springs.
The water from the hot springs was rich in sulphur and had, through the years,
turned the bridge a lovely orange colour. An old spa’s remains were visible under the
bridge and slowly became the same colour.
The amusing part was that children (ages 7-10) came to chat with us. On discovering
I didn’t speak Spanish, they addressed me incredibly slowly and deliberately, how one
would talk to a small child. On the positive side, I picked up a few words from them.
Ernest cooked supper, and it became an early evening.