Potrerillos - Mendoza – 72 km
From Potrerillos a short bike ride led to touristy Mendoza, but only after crossing a
few hills. Then, it became smooth riding into the beautiful Mendoza Valley. On
reaching Route 40, the motorway widened which didn’t merely sport a shoulder
but also breath-taking views of vineyards, with the Andes making a perfect
backdrop in the distance. The Mendoza Valley is Argentina’s most important wine
region, featuring countless wine farms and tasting rooms to sample the mighty
Malbec and various other varieties.
Even though Mendoza was reasonably large, a stress-free cycle took us into the
city. Mendoza, popular amongst people travelling the country, was also a frequent
stopover for climbers en route to Aconcagua and, hence, immensely touristy. The
result was costly lodging. Still, we settled for digs in a hostel in the touristy part of
town. The weather was perfect with blue skies and temperatures in the upper 20s.
Included in the hefty room rate were bed bugs which, together with the disco next
door, kept me up for the best part of the night. Luckily, the hostel had a leafy
garden and a swimming pool to bask in the sun during the day.