The Economist UK - 22.02.2020

(Nandana) #1
The EconomistFebruary 22nd 2020 Business 57



the debate over privacy legislation was
conducted had been long established be-
fore thegdpr, but regulation inaiis na-
scent. Experts still quarrel over such basic
questions as whataiactually is. And the
eu, where politicians tend to favour strict-
er regulation, may overdo it. This could
push the tech giants to differentiate their
regional offerings after all (and stymie Eu-
rope’s startups). Worse, the data strategy
could easily turn protectionist.
If theeu’s digital plans became restric-

tive policy driven by protectionism, that
would limit Europe’s ability to set global
rules which could help to give its firms a
much-needed leg up. It would also make it
much harder for theeuto establish what
the digital world will badly need, should
regulation of tech remain stalled in Ameri-
ca even after the presidential election. At
risk is Europe’s role as a third “techno-
sphere”—one that is not controlled by a
handful of tech titans, as it is in America, or
by the Chinese state. 7


o american companymakes as much
money in China as Apple. While few
make that much money at all, Apple raked
in $44bn of revenues in Greater China dur-
ing the 2019 financial year, mostly from
selling iPhones. That is more than the glo-
bal sales of United Airlines and Nike and
about as much as Tencent, a domestic tech
giant. Few countries have as much power
as China to shape Apple’s fortunes.
The virus that has swept across the
country is doing just that, hurting both
manufacturing operations and sales of
iPhones in Apple’s second-biggest market.
Many of the migrant workers on whom Ap-
ple and its contract manufacturers depend
have not yet returned to their posts as the
movement of people is restricted by the
government. Shoppers have not yet re-
turned to the streets. As a result, on Febru-
ary 17th Apple warned investors that it
would miss its revenue guidance for the
quarter. The firm’s shares, which have been
on the ascent since last summer, dropped
by nearly 2% after the announcement.
The short-term threat to Apple’s busi-
ness in China is best understood against
the backdrop of the firm’s longer-term suc-
cess. Apple’s Chinese fortune was built in
the first half of the past decade, when its
revenues in the country grew from $2.8bn
in 2010 to $59bn in 2015. Sales have slipped
in subsequent years (see chart on next
page), but were still sufficient for the Chi-
nese market to account for 18% of Apple’s
total revenues over the past ten years, sec-
ond only to America. Apple says that it is
gradually reopening its retail shops and
that all of its iPhone manufacturing sites
have reopened too, although their ramp up
is going more slowly than it anticipated.
Even if the virus outbreak proves to be no
more than a blip, the 2020s are unlikely to
treat Apple so well.

Its vital Chinese manufacturing opera-
tions are threatened by conflict with Amer-
ica over trade and technology. The trade
war may also have damaged Apple’s brand.
The number of iPhones it sells in China is
plummeting. Most importantly Apple’s
new strategy for growing revenue by sell-
ing subscriptions to services is far more
complicated in China than selling iPhones.
Apple’s engine of growth may not just be
dormant, but extinct.
Start with supply chains. Apple is deep-
ly dependent on China’s high-tech manu-
facturing ecosystem. Only China offers the
labour and infrastructure needed to manu-
facture hundreds of thousands of devices a
day, the volume Apple must produce in the
run up to the release of a new phone. Dur-
ing Apple’s China boom Foxconn, a Tai-
wanese contract manufacturer, was the

driving force behind the building of a new
factory town near Zhengzhou in Henan
province, to support iPhone manufacture.
No other contract manufacturer could get
close to that scale. The local government
shelled out $1.5bn to help build factories
and housing for 400,000 workers, and
$10bn for a new airport.
That dependency leaves Apple’s manu-
facturing base exposed to the economic
and technological conflict between Ameri-
ca and China. Smart lobbying has kept its
products outside America’s tariffs regime
so far, but other threats loom. America’s
Department of Commerce is working on
new rules that would curtail the export of
technical components to China. Such bar-
riers could cripple Apple’s manufacturing
there. It has nowhere else to turn. Efforts to
establish a manufacturing base in Brazil
failed. Indian operations have proved more
fruitful, but are still small. Apple is bound
to China and the virus shows how strongly.
Sales of Apple’s core product, the
iPhone, are also on the wane in China. Ac-
cording to Canalys, a research firm, iPhone
sales in China dropped by 21% in 2019, to
27.5m, even after price cuts, a tactic that
Apple rarely employs. Selling fewer phones
means not only lost sales but also deprives
Apple of future revenues. Sales of services,
like app-store purchases and Apple Music,
and wearables like AirPods and watches,
designed to integrate with the device, are
linked to iPhone sales. Though Apple still
has plenty of Chinese iPhone users, slip-
ping sales put a cap on the future revenue.
Apple must also grapple with the Chi-
nese government. The firm has always
walked a fine line, quietly making compro-
mises like agreeing to store users’ cloud
data on Chinese servers. The company’s
leaders are adamant that the devices which
Apple sells in China come with the same

Sales and manufacturing have been hurt by a virus lockdown but the tech giant
has bigger problems

Apple in China

Red plateau

What’s ailing Apple in China?
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