The Economist UK - 22.02.2020

(Nandana) #1

70 Science & technology The EconomistFebruary 22nd 2020


odies are made of cells. Lots of them.
An average adult human contains about
37.2trn cells, 100 times as many as the num-
ber of stars in the Milky Way. Clearly, trying
to map the location of every one of these
cells would be a futile endeavour. But cells
are not identical. They are divided into
many types, each specialised for different
tasks. Mapping the location of each of
these types is a more tractable problem.
And that is the objective of the Human Cell
Atlas project, a collaboration of researchers
from 1,029 institutes in 71 countries around
the world. Work on the atlas began in 2016,
and its organisers hope to complete the ef-
fort by the end of this decade. Several of
those involved gave a progress report to the
aaasmeeting in Seattle.
As Aviv Regev of the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology explained, compiling
the atlas has been made possible by a tech-
nique called single-cell transcriptome se-
quencing. This looks, a cell at a time, at the
messenger molecules which carry instruc-
tions from a cell’s nucleus to the protein-
making machinery in its cytoplasm. These
messengers are made by transcribing
genes into a dna-like chemical called rna.
All an organism’s cells have more or less
the same dna. What makes them different
from each other is which bits of that dna
are being actively transcribed, and thus
what proteins are being made. This means
identifying and counting the rnamessen-
gers shows what sort of cell it is.
One early discovery the project’s re-
searchers have made is that there are many
more types of cell than the text books sug-
gest. Human cells have about 20,000 pro-
tein-coding genes and so possess 20,000
different possible messengers. One way to
classify cells, Dr Regev explained, is to de-
vise a graph that has 20,000 axes, each cor-
responding to a gene’s activity, and then
plot particular cells as points on this graph.
Clearly, such a graph would in a physical
form be impossible, but it can exist and be
manipulated in a computer. Plotting cells
out in this way reveals how they cluster to-
gether. Those clusters are cell types.
Based on cells’ appearance under a mi-
croscope, and their reactions with chemi-
cal stains used to make them visible to mi-
croscopy, early histologists came up with
about 300 cell types in a body. Single-cell
rnasequencing is multiplying that num-
ber by showing that cells which look simi-
lar under a microscope often turn out to be

chemically different from one another. It
has also found previously unknown cell
types so rare that microscope studies have
missed them.
One example Dr Regev proffered con-
cerns the lining of the airways of the lungs.
This tissue, pulmonary epithelium, is
more easily sampled pre mortem than
many others, so was an early candidate for
investigation. The text books suggest it has
six types of cell in it. rnaanalysis showed
that three of these six can themselves be di-
vided into three, and that there are also two
minor cell types previous investigators had
overlooked. This turned out to be an im-
portant discovery, because one of the mi-
nor types proved to be where the gene in-
volved in cystic fibrosis, a fatal hereditary
disease of the lungs, is active.
Having identified individual cell types
in this way, it is then possible to locate
them within tissue samples. Fluorescent
chemicals attached to molecular tags that
will stick only to particular rnamessen-
gers show up the cells containing those
messengers. This permits construction of
three-dimensional maps into which an ob-
server may zoom to reveal ever finer levels
of detail, in the same way that the zoom
control works on an internet map of Earth.
That makes understanding the micro-
scopic details of anatomy much easier.

Shannon Hughes, of America’s National
Cancer Institute, illustrated this with the
example of skin cancer. Tumours are par-
ticularly good targets for transcriptome se-
quencing because they are caused by ge-
netic mutations that show up in the rna
messengers. This has led to a parallel effort
to the Human Cell Atlas, the Human Tu-
mour Atlas, a network devoted specifically
to studying cancer. And, like the lining of
the lungs, the skin is easily sampled. Dr
Hughes and her colleagues have been able
to detect pre-cancerous skin cells (those
without the full complement of mutations
needed to make them cancerous), and ob-
serve how these are already attracting the
attention of immune-system cells called t-
lymphocytes, which burrow through the
skin tissue to attack their targets.
Kerstin Meyer of the Wellcome Sanger
Institute in Britain, meanwhile, trailed the
publication of a complete map of an organ
called the thymus. This has subsequently
appeared on February 20th as a paper in
Science, the aaas’s house journal,
The thymus, located just above the
lungs, is where t-lymphocytes develop. By
looking at 25 thymuses from embryos, fe-
tuses, children and adults, Dr Meyer and
her colleagues have constructed a map that
stretches through time, as well as space.
Their transcriptome sequencing distin-
guishes more than 40 cell types, and they
can follow the ebb and flow of these at dif-
ferent stages of life.
The thymus is, admittedly, but a small
continent in the world that is a human
body. Mapping it is, however, an important
advance for the cellular cartographers. Big-
ger organs will follow soon. The result will
be the most granular view yet obtained of
human anatomy. 7

Building the most detailed map yet of human anatomy

Cell biology

An atlas of the innerverse

Lung cells put on a colourful display
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