The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
that they were written to churches
scattered over a wide geographical
range, or to all Christians wherever
they might be found. The Book of
Revelation, while not a letter in its
entirety, begins with seven brief
letters to churches in Asia Minor.
Its apocalyptic message describing
Christ as the Final Judge of the
wicked and vindicator of believers
was partly an encouragement to
those experiencing persecution.

Academic debates
Given their nature as letters, the
Epistles give readers access to one
side of a conversation. Readers can
“overhear” the authors speak to
congregations and individuals. The
situation being addressed, however,
must be inferred from the letters
themselves. This has led modern
scholars to speculate about the

nature of the societies in which the
recipients lived. One important area
of discussion focuses on opponents
called “false teachers,” which are
mentioned and/or rebutted several
times in the Epistles. The false
teachers included practices and
philosophies, such as Jewish
legalism and mysticism, popular
Greek philosophical and religious
ideas, speculation about angels and
spiritual powers, and ascetic and
ritual practices.
Fierce debate also rages about
the authorship of several Epistles.
Since the 2nd century CE, scholars
have speculated about the
authorship of Hebrews. An
early tradition attributed Hebrews
to Paul, but others credited Peter’s
companion Silvanus, the early
preacher Apollos, or one of Paul’s
companions—Barnabas, Priscilla,

or Luke. Some modern scholars
have also challenged authorship of
certain Pauline epistles (especially
Ephesians) and 1–2 Peter.

A new beginning
Taken together, the Book of Acts
and the New Testament Epistles
demonstrate that the resurrection
of the crucified Jesus was not the
end of God’s work in the world,
but a new beginning through the
Holy Spirit. The Epistles, while
written by men, are included in
the canon because they are seen as
divinely inspired. They unpack the
significance of the Gospel message
of faith in Christ, in the service of
“teaching, rebuking, correcting,
and training in righteousness,
so that the servant of God may
be equipped for every good work”
(2 Timothy 3:16–17). ■



2:14 –26



Paul tells the Ephesians
that personal
salvation can only
happen through faith,
not good deeds.

James rejects passive
faith and praises active
faith that honors God
through good deeds.

After the Final
Judgment, John’s
vision shows heaven
and Earth renewed in
the New Jerusalem.

Paul asserts the
Trinity in a blessing
at the end of a letter
he writes to the

Paul warns against
“false teachers” in his
letter to the Philippians
and urges belief in
the resurrection.

John of Patmos
receives a series
of dramatic and
terrifying visions
of the apocalypse.



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