The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
cleansing of the Temple 244–45, 244
compassion 161, 217, 226, 227, 229
crucifixion see crucifixion
Davidic ancestry 95, 171, 178–79, 182, 183
divinity 177, 190–93, 275, 299
human nature 179, 182, 192, 193
incarnation 151
king of the Jews 231, 261, 263
Light of the World 241
Messiah see Messiah
milestones of His ministry 235
miracles see miracles
naming 178, 179
Nativity 171, 180–86
parables see parables
Passion see Passion
Passover lamb 252
resurrection see resurrection
Second Adam 35
Second Coming 46, 217, 305
Second Moses 64
Sermon on the Mount 176, 204–09
servant savior 155, 251
as shepherd 143, 256
temptation of 176, 196, 198–99, 311
Transfiguration 196, 234–35, 234
Jezebel, Queen 124, 125, 334
Job, Book of 136, 141, 146–47, 225, 233
Joel (prophet) 137, 169, 283
Joel (son of Samuel) 114
John (Apostle) 201, 202, 203 , 234, 250, 251, 286,
John, Gospel of 25, 161, 177, 183, 201, 233, 274
Agony of Jesus 254
baptism of Jesus 194, 196
Christ’s divinity 190–93
cleansing of the Temple 244–45, 244
disciple entrusted with Mary 263
the empty tomb 268–71
feeding of the 5,000 203, 230
Great Commission 274
Jesus anointed at Bethany 247
Jesus’s Passion 261, 263, 264, 265
Last Supper 251, 253
Lazarus 226–27, 226
Logos (Word) 151
nature of faith 236– 41
seven signs of Christ 227
wedding at Cana 337
wise and foolish builders 337
woman at Jacob’s well 337
woman caught in adultery 338
John the Baptist 85, 173, 189 , 191, 195, 235
baptism of Jesus 194–97
beheading of 195, 229, 337
messianic precursor 189
John of Patmos 281, 319
John the Seer 319
see also Revelation
Jonah 137, 166–67, 169, 233
Jonathan 297, 334
Jordan, River 96–97, 126, 127, 195, 197, 335
parting of 97, 126, 127


Habakkuk 169
Hagar 39, 45, 51, 51 , 55
Haggai 169
Ham 40, 332
Hammurabi, King 81
Hananiah 156, 158
Hannah 39, 112–13, 112 , 184
Hazael 335
Hebrew Bible 25, 94, 113, 122, 136, 141, 150,
182, 184, 235
Hebrews, Book of 51, 240, 265, 281
hell 321, 329
Herod Agrippa II 294, 295
Herod Antipas 261, 265
Herod the Great 183, 186, 187, 191, 251
Herod II 195, 337
Hezekiah, King 131, 148, 149, 168, 172, 336
Hinduism 211
Historical Books 94–95
holiness 314 –15
Holy of Holies 82, 87, 122, 123, 314, 315
Holy See 203
Holy Spirit 29, 39, 109, 179, 196, 196 , 275, 276,
277, 298 , 315
baptism by 189, 195
fruits of the Spirit 300
Pentecost 280, 283
Holy Trinity 29, 150 , 151, 281, 298–99, 298
homosexuality 49
Horeb 67, 68
horsemen of the apocalypse 319–20
Hosea 57, 145, 161, 169, 187
Hoshea, King 168
Hyksos 64, 99
hymns 140–41
see also Psalms


Ibrahim see Abraham
idleness 148–49, 149
idolatry 83, 90 , 91, 118, 170, 193
golden calf 84–85, 84
Ignatius, St. 306
Immanuel 191
incarnation 151, 193
inheritance rights 220
Isaac 39, 46, 50, 52 , 54, 297, 332
sacrificial ordeal 19, 51–53, 241, 313
Isaiah 48, 154, 154
Deutero-Isaiah 90, 91, 154
Isaiah, Book of 13, 28, 47, 144, 154–55, 189,
192, 221, 230, 302, 325

Messianic prophecies 155, 179, 191, 199
monotheistic statements 91
Servant Songs 154–55, 289
Ishmael 39, 45, 51, 53, 55
Islam 27, 45, 53
Golden Rule 211
name for God 145
and Original Sin 35
enslavement in Egypt 61, 66, 70–73
enter the Promised Land 96–97
Exodus see Exodus
“faithful remnant” 155, 172 , 185
forty years in the desert 65, 76–77, 81, 86–87,
88, 230, 238, 241
monotheism 18, 90–91
royal line 115
Ten Lost Tribes of Israel 129
Twelve Tribes of Israel 57, 57 , 230, 276
Issachar 57


Jacob 14, 18, 19, 39, 58, 59, 60 , 118, 173, 247,
276, 297
and Esau 54–55, 55 , 57
Jacob’s ladder 55
wrestles with an angel 19, 56–57, 56
Jael 101
Jahwist 18, 27
James (son of Alphaeus) 202
James (son of Zebedee) 201, 202, 203 , 234, 287,
James the Just (brother of Jesus) 313
James, epistle of 53, 239, 241, 281, 312–13
Jehoash, King 336
Jehoiachin, King 128, 129, 131, 162
Jehoiakim 128, 129
Jephthah 101, 332, 333
Jereboam 335
Jeremiah 14, 87, 136, 156–59, 160, 161, 187,
Jericho 242, 285
fall of 94, 97, 98–99, 98
Jerome, St. 28
Jerusalem 48, 49
Babylonian destruction of (586 BCE) 95,
128–31, 130 , 137, 142, 158–59, 160–61, 171,
Council of Jerusalem 292–93, 299
New Jerusalem 163, 281, 319, 322–29, 324 ,
rebuilding of 95, 133, 133
Roman destruction of (70 CE) 243
Temple see Temple (Jerusalem)
Jesus Christ 176–77
anointment at Bethany 246–47, 246
baptism of 176, 194–97, 195 , 235
brothers and sisters 183


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