The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
hidden treasure 215
Last Judgment 319
lost coin 221
lost sheep 215, 221
mote and the beam 209
Pharisee and the tax collector 243
prodigal son 218–21, 219 , 220
sower 214–15, 214
ten virgins 215
two sons in the vineyard 339
unforgiving servant 215, 338
unjust judge 215
wise and foolish builders 337
workers in the vineyard 223
parousia 318, 321
Agony of Jesus 254–55
crucifixion see crucifixion
Jesus before Pilate 260–62, 295
Jesus before the Sanhedrin 192, 257, 257 , 260
Jesus foretells His coming death 246–47, 251,
252, 254–55
Last Supper 46, 177, 230, 248–53, 253
mockery of Jesus 260 , 261, 262
repentant thief 266–67
Passover 72–73, 97, 188, 244
Last Supper 46, 177, 230, 248–53, 253
seder plate 73
Paul 192, 195, 202, 304
arrest and imprisonment of 280, 294–95, 294 ,
304, 308
clashes with Peter 293
Council of Jerusalem 292–93
death of 291, 295
doctrine of original sin 34, 35, 197
at Ephesus 303
on Eve 35
on faith 238–39, 241, 281, 313
hymn to love 296–97
influence on Christianity 305
on the Last Judgment 321
letters see Colossians; Corinthians;
Ephesians; Galatians; Philippians; Romans;
Thessalonians; Timothy
on the message of the cross 265
on the resurrection 271, 273, 281
works and miracles 286
Paulicians 199
Pentateuch 18, 27, 75, 141, 230, 293, 310
Pentecost 280, 282–83
second Pentecost 286
Pesach 72, 73
see also Passover
Peter 202, 203 , 222, 250
before the Sanhedrin 285–86
clashes with Paul 293
Council of Jerusalem 292
crucifixion of 287
declarations of love for Jesus 233, 275–76
denial of Jesus 233, 256–57, 256 , 287
in the Garden of Gethsemane 254
imprisonment 287
Jesus’s calling of 200–201

Lord’s Prayer 212–13
magi 186
and Mary’s conception 178, 179
Nativity 182, 183
parables 214 –15
Sermon on the Mount 204–09
temple tax 222
temptations of Christ 198–99
Transfiguration 234–35, 234
two sons in the vineyard 339
workers in the vineyard 223
Matthias (Apostle) 202, 276
Megiddo, Mount 320
Menelik I 87, 122
menorah 25 , 87
anointed one 95, 179
Davidic Messiah 178–79, 183
Messianic prophecies 155, 171, 179, 183, 185,
191, 195, 199, 245
Micah 91, 131, 137, 168–71, 169 , 183
Michael the Archangel 302
Michelangelo 27 , 35, 145 , 154
Midian 66–67, 68, 76
Midianites 60, 101, 102, 102 , 103
mikveh 119
Cana 179, 337
coin in the fish’s mouth 222
of the disciples 284–87, 339
draught of fishes 201 , 275
of Elijah 124, 126
of Elisha 127, 335
feeding of the 4,000 231, 338
feeding of the 5,000 (five loaves and two
fishes) 177, 191, 203, 228–31, 229
Gadarene swine 224–25
healing 199, 241, 285, 286, 338–39
Jesus walks on the water 177, 232–33, 233
of Moses 68, 75–76, 226
raising the dead 176, 226–27, 286, 339
see also exorcism
Miriam 76, 77, 85
Moab, Moabites 89, 91, 108, 172
monotheism 18, 45, 64–65, 90–91, 126, 149, 312
Mosaic Law 14, 82, 91, 207, 219, 230, 245,
257 , 292, 294, 305, 312, 313, 315
Moses 25 , 33, 39, 48, 64, 67 , 80 , 96 , 118,
127, 143, 144, 145 , 147, 184, 315, 332
books of Moses see Torah
brazen serpent 238, 336
and the burning bush 39, 64, 66–69, 145
called by God 67–68
death of 75, 96, 333
Exodus see Exodus
monotheism 90–91
parallels with Jeremiah 157, 159
Ten Commandments
see Ten Commandments
Muhammad, Prophet 45, 123
murder 37, 118, 119
fratricide 36–37
infanticide 77, 187


Naaman 335
Naboth’s vineyard 334–35
Nahum 169
Naomi 108–09, 240
nard 246, 247
Nathan 119, 122, 335
Nativity 171, 176, 180–86, 182 , 184
date of 183, 185
natural theology 24
Nazareth 185
Nazirites 105
Nebu, Mount 87
Nebuchadnezzar II, King 25, 95, 128, 129, 129 ,
130, 131, 158, 160, 164, 165, 336
Nehemiah 95, 133
Nero, Emperor 287, 291, 295, 304
New Jerusalem 163, 281, 319, 322–29, 324 ,
Nicene Creed 299
Nicodemus 238, 240 , 241, 264
Nineveh 166, 167, 170 , 233
Noah 18, 40– 41, 173 , 332
Nod, land of 37
Northern Kingdom of Israel 105, 129, 170
Numbers, Book of 33, 82, 91, 333
Balaam’s donkey 89, 89
twelve spies 88
numbers, significant
three 71
five 230
seven 25, 320
twelve 230, 276
forty 199
Nunc Dimittis 185


Obadiah 125, 169
Olives, Mount of 233
oral tradition 215
Original Sin 34–35, 197


Palm Sunday 245
parables 214 –15
banquet for the poor 339
Good Samaritan 216 –17


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