The Mythology Book

(Chris Devlin) #1


Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca lock
in combat in an image from the Codex
Borbonicus (ca. 16th century). Aztec
scribes painted with pigments derived
from plants, trees, rocks, and insects.

by avenging his earlier slight,
striking down Quetzalcoatl and
creating a great hurricane that
swept all the people away.

Drought and floods
As Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca
had selfishly brought disorder to
creation through their rivalry, the
other gods decided that someone
else should have the honor of being
the new sun. The Third Sun was
the rain god Tlaloc. He was married
to Xochiquetzal, goddess of beauty.
Their union ended when
Tezcatlipoca kidnapped and
seduced Xochiquetzal. Mourning
his beloved wife, the grief-stricken
god refused to send down rain to
nourish the earth and the world
became parched. The people
continuously beseeched him to end
the drought, but to no avail. Tired of
their appeals, Tlaloc instead sent
down torrents of fire that turned the world to ash. The Third Sun was
the shortest lived of all, existing
only for 312 years.
When Tlaloc remarried, taking
Chalchiuhtlicue, the goddess of
streams and still waters, as his
wife, Quetzalcoatl allied himself
with her, and she became the
Fourth Sun. Tezcatlipoca, however,
again helped to bring an end to
this world. He told Chalchiuhtlicue
she did not sincerely love the
people of this fourth world, but was
only benevolent because she
wanted their praise.
Chalchiuhtlicue cried so hard
that her tears created a great
deluge that flooded the world and
lasted for 52 years. All but two
people were turned to fish. The
couple who survived were called
Tata and Nene. They floated on a
hollow log and subsisted on just a
single ear of maize each, which

See also: The epic of Gilgamesh 190–97 ■ Cherokee creation 236–37 ■ Spider Woman 238–39


Five Suns

Tezcatlipoca—676 years

Tonatiuh—Aztec era

Quetzalcoatl—364 years

Tlaloc—312 years

Chalchiuhtlicue—676 years

was supplied by Tezcatlipoca on
the condition that they eat nothing
else. As the flood waters subsided,
Tata and Nene caught a fish and
roasted it, defying Tezcatlipoca’s
instructions. When the god found
out, he turned them into dogs. The
Fourth Sun had lasted 676 years.

United against the enemy
Realizing now that their disputes
had caused only destruction,
Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca
began to work together. A vicious
sea monster called Tlaltecuhtli had
taken up residence in the oceans.
Its body was covered with multiple
mouths to satisfy its relentless ❯❯

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