The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1



ince their father’s death,
Orlando has been kept at
home and denied education
by his older brother Oliver. When
Oliver hears that Orlando plans to
fight Charles the wrestler, Oliver
tells Charles to kill him. At court,
Rosalind laments her father, Duke
Senior’s, banishment. With her
cousin Celia, she watches the
wrestling match and both are taken
with Orlando, who surprisingly
beats Charles. Orlando falls in love
with Rosalind, but has to escape to
the forest with old Adam, pursued
by Oliver. Celia’s father, Duke


Frederick, feels threatened by
Rosalind’s popularity and exiles
her. Rosalind dresses as the boy
Ganymede and flees to the forest
with Celia and Touchstone, the fool.
In the forest, Duke Senior and his
lords, including the gloomy Jaques,
enjoy the simple life.
Duke Frederick organizes a
pursuit of Rosalind and Celia. In the
forest, Rosalind and Celia witness
Silvius telling the old shepherd
Corin of his unrequited love for
Phoebe. Faint with hunger, Orlando
meets Duke Senior’s men and draws
his sword. They offer him supper


Duke Senior Older brother
of Duke Frederick, living in
exile in the Forest of Arden.

Rosalind Duke Senior’s
daughter. Later disguised
as Ganymede.

Amiens One of Duke Senior’s
lords, a talented singer.

Jaques One of Duke Senior’s
lords, a melancholy philosopher.

Duke Frederick Father to
Celia, he usurps his brother.

Celia Daughter of Duke
Frederick and Rosalind’s
cousin. Later, she disguises
herself as Aliena.

Touchstone A court fool.

Le Beau A courtier.

Charles A wrestler.

Oliver Oldest son of Sir
Rowland de Bois.

Orlando Younger brother
of Oliver, kept uneducated.

Jaques de Boys You nger
brother of Oliver.

Adam Former servant of
Sir Rowland de Bois.

Corin An old shepherd.

Silvius A young shepherd
in love with Phoebe.
Phoebe A young shepherdess,
disdainful of Silvius.

William A countryman and
rival in love for Audrey with

Audrey A goatherd, she is
betrothed to Touchstone.

Act 1 Act 2






Banished by Duke
Frederick, Rosalind
escapes to Arden
in disguise
with Celia.

Charles the wrestler
arrives with news
that Duke Senior
has been banished
to the woods.

Orlando, in disguise,
beats Charles in a
wrestling bout and
Rosalind is smitten.

Orlando learns his
brother Oliver hoped
to kill him and
escapes to Arden.

Duke Senior
relishes his time in
exile in the forest.
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