The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1



nlike the original story
of “A Moorish Captain,”
which rarely mentions
it, Shakespeare makes Othello
extremely conscious of his race.
Black characters in Elizabethan
drama are often devilish, cruel
individuals, like Aaron in Titus
Andronicus. Othello is the first
sympathetic black character on the
Elizabethan stage. The audience
sympathizes with his plight, and
Desdemona clings desperately to
her love for “the Moor.”

Othello the Moor
Iago and Roderigo are openly
vicious in their racial attacks on
Othello. Othello is introduced to the
audience through the eyes of Iago
in crude racial and sexual terms.
He is described as a “black ram”
mounting Brabanzio’s “white ewe”
(1.1.88–89). When Shakespeare
wrote the play, darkness of skin,
along with physical deformity
and non-Christian heritage,
were popularly associated with
immorality and savagery. Othello


himself refers frequently to his
black heritage, which he blames for
making him quick to anger and to
experience jealousy. Othello belies
the stereotype in all his conduct
except for his rage and suspicious
nature, which prompt Emilia to
accuse him of being “the blacker
devil” (5.2.140).

Othello the military hero
Not everyone characterizes
Othello in racial terms. He is
often judged by his military
prowess. Before he is called
before it by Brabanzio’s complaint,
the court is in discussion about
choosing Othello to lead the attack
on the Turks off the coast of
Cyprus. Shakespeare makes it
clear that Othello’s merit speaks for
itself within the Venetian hierarchy.
His calm level-headedness is


Jealousy, loyalty,
betrayal, love

16th-century Venice
and Cyprus

1565 Un Capitano Moro (A
Moorish Captain), a tale by the
Italian author Giraldi Cinthio,
which Shakespeare may have
read in Italian, or in a French
translation from 1583.

c.1600 Arrival of a Moorish
delegation at the Elizabethan
court to promote an Anglo-
Moroccan alliance.

1603 The 1570 Turkish attack
on Cyprus, documented in The
History of the Turks by English
historian Richard Knolles.

1604 The earliest recorded
performance of Othello is held
at Whitehall Palace.

1660 Margaret Hughes plays
Desdemona, becoming the
first woman to perform legally
on the English stage.

1816 Gioachino Rossini’s
opera Otello, loosely based on
Shakespeare, opens in Naples.
1825 Ira Aldridge is the first
black actor to play Othello on
the London stage.

1887 The opera Otello by
Giuseppe Verdi is first
performed in Milan.

1930 The black actor and
singer Paul Robeson plays
Othello at the Savoy in London.

Nineteenth-century Irish painter
Daniel Maclise captures a troubled
marriage. Othello broods while
Desdemona looks up at him pleadingly,
clutching the cursed handkerchief.
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