The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


soldiers tries to persuade his master
to murder his guests. Pompey
ignores this advice, and spends the
evening drinking with his former
enemies. Enobarbus says that
Antony’s allegiance to Cleopatra
will remain strong, despite his
political reunion with Caesar.
Antony returns to Egypt without
his new bride. Caesar is angered
by Antony’s neglect of Octavia
and declares war. Antony’s soldiers
argue that they should fight
Caesar on land, but Cleopatra
persuades him to fight at sea.
She flees the battle, and is

followed closely by Antony,
bringing dishonor to his soldiers
and his own reputation.
Antony’s soldiers begin to lose
faith in their general, and his loyal
companion Enobarbus defects to
Caesar’s side. Antony is defeated
for a second time and blames
Cleopatra for the loss. Fearing for
her safety, she sends Antony news
that she has died, not anticipating
that Antony will respond by
seeking to commit suicide himself.
He fails to kill himself, and his
soldier Eros takes his own life
rather than aid his master’s death.


Act 3 Act 4

News arrives that Cleopatra had
feigned her death and is sheltering
in a monument. Antony asks to
be taken to her and warns her
against Caesar before he dies.
Cleopatra discovers Caesar’s
plan to parade her through Rome.
She determines to take her own life,
and calls for a poisonous snake to
be brought to her. She dresses in
her majestic robes before placing
the snake to her breast, and dies
in the company of one of her maids.
Caesar arrives to find Cleopatra
dead, and orders that she and
Antony be buried together. ❯❯


3.3 3.10 4 .15

3.6 3.13 4 .16

A peace treaty between
Rome and Sextus Pompey
is celebrated with a
banquet aboard
Pompey’s boat.

Cleopatra is pleased
with news that
Antony’s new bride is
shorter than her, but
angered by reports
that she is younger.

Antony takes Cleopatra’s
advice, against his better
judgment, and fights
Caesar at sea. He loses.

Defeated in battle,
Antony scorns
Cleopatra, who
sends word that
she has taken her
own life.

Octavia returns to
Rome unaccompanied,
provoking Caesar to
declare war upon

A messenger from
Caesar tries to
persuade Cleopatra
to leave Antony.
Antony has the
messenger whipped.

Antony dies in Cleopatra’s
arms, having stabbed himself
believing that she is dead.


Cleopatra commits
suicide with the aid of
an asp’s poisonous
bite. Caesar arrives to
find the queen and her
maids all dead.

Act 5

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