The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


Burden of duty
Like King Lear, Antony wishes
to be free of his duties, but still
desires to hold on to the authority
and accolades that such power
brings. He battles with his

conscience, and blames Cleopatra
for his own weakness when he
deserts a battle in pursuit of her:
“Egypt, thou knew’st too well / My
heart was to thy rudder tied by th’
strings, / And thou shouldst tow
me after. O’er my spirit / Thy full
supremacy thou knew’st, and that /
Thy beck might from the bidding
of the gods / Command me”
Although Cleopatra does
much to endanger Antony, he
remains devoted to her right up
to the end. Having experienced
her infinite variety of moods to
the full, he wards off impending
death to lay the “poor last” of
“many thousand kisses” (4.16.21)
upon her lips.

Tribute to Antony
Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare’s
most self-absorbed and self-seeking
characters, and thus it can come as

Give me my robe. Put on
my crown. I have
Immortal longings in me.
Now no more
The juice of Egypt’s grape
shall moist this lip.
Act 5, Scene 2

Antony is torn between his
duty toward Rome and his love
for Cleopatra. In the end, he
cannot resist the allure of
Egypt and its queen.

something of a surprise to hear her
rhapsodize upon someone other
than herself. Her emotional tribute
to Antony, following his failed
suicide, serves to augment her
lover’s reputation, encouraging
a personal rather than political
assessment of the man’s life.
Through Cleopatra, Shakespeare
ensures that our final memory
of Antony is not of a strumpet’s
fool, but of a Herculean god:
“His legs bestrid the ocean; his
reared arm / Crested the world.
His voice was propertied / As all
the tunéd spheres, and that to
friends; / But when he meant to
quail and shake the orb, / He
was as rattling thunder. For his
bounty, / There was no winter in’t;
an autumn ’twas, / That grew the
more by reaping. His delights /
Were dolphin-like; they showed
his back above / The element
they lived in. In his livery / Walked



Honor Burden



Sensuality Indulgence

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