The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


acknowledge Helen when she has
a ring he never removes, and when
she has conceived their child. Helen
travels to Florence, where she
takes lodgings with a Widow. She
discovers that Bertram has won favor
for his bravery, and has been trying
to seduce the Widow’s beautiful
daughter, Diana.
The other lords in the Florentine
army pretend to be enemy soldiers,
take Paroles captive, and blindfold
him. Paroles reveals everything he
knows about his fellow soldiers.
When the blindfold is removed,
Paroles’s reputation is ruined.

Helen reveals her true identity to
the Widow. She offers money for
help in satisfying the conditions of
Bertram’s letter. Diana will arrange
a sexual liaison with Bertram, but
Helen will take her place. Bertram
tries again to seduce Diana. He gives
her his ancestral ring, and after their
assignation, she gives him another
ring in return. Bertram is informed
that Helen is dead, and leaves for
France to be reconciled to the King.
The King forgives Bertram and
supports his proposed marriage to
Lafeu’s daughter. However, when
Bertram offers as a betrothal gift


Act 3 Act 4 Act 5

the ring Diana gave him, the King
recognizes it as belonging to Helen.
Bertram is arrested on the charge of
murdering his wife. Diana arrives,
and accuses Bertram of breaking his
promise to marry her. She produces
the ring Bertram gave her, which the
Countess recognizes as the family
heirloom. Diana refuses to explain
how she got the ring, and is arrested.
She sends for someone to stand bail,
and Helen enters. She declares that
the conditions Bertram set have
been met. Bertram asks for her
forgiveness, and promises to love
her in the future. ❯❯


3.5 4.1 4.3

3.7 4.2 4.5

The Countess reads
Bertram’s letter telling
her that he has run
away. Helen reads a
letter setting down
impossible conditions
for their being man and
wife. Helen decides to
leave France.

Helen arrives in
Florence disguised as
a pilgrim and lodges
with a Widow. She
learns that Bertram
has been trying to
seduce the Widow’s
daughter, Diana.

Paroles is captured
by the fake enemy soldiers
and blindfolded. He
immediately offers to
betray the Florentine side.

The wars are now
over, and Bertram is
planning to return to
France, having been
told that Helen is dead.

Helen reveals
herself as Bertram’s
wife. She persuades
the women to arrange
a sexual encounter
with Bertram, where
she will secretly take
Diana’s place.

Bertram declares his
love for Diana. She
persuades him to give up
a ring that has been in his
family for generations and
arranges a secret liaison.

The Countess grieves
for the death of
Helen, but she supports
Lafeu’s plan to marry
Bertram to his daughter.


Bertram agrees to marry
Lafeu’s daughter, but
when he is found to be in
possession of Helen’s
ring, the King accuses
him of murder. Helen
comes back to say that
she has met Bertram’s
conditions. He asks
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