The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1



he medieval poet Gower
acts as the narrator relating
the story of Pericles, Prince
of Tyre. His story begins with King
Antiochus whose daughter’s suitors
must answer a riddle in order to
win her hand. Pericles solves the
riddle, which exposes Antiochus’s
incestuous lust and forces Pericles
to flee back to Tyre for safety. King
Antiochus sends the villainous
Thaliart to murder Pericles. Pericles
hears of Thaliart’s murderous plans
and escapes on a ship to Tarsus,
leaving his trusted counselor
Helicanus to govern Tyre.


Arriving in Tarsus, Pericles
relieves the famine-struck city
with corn, earning the gratitude
of the governor Cleon and his wife
Dioniza. After setting sail again in
a storm, Pericles is shipwrecked on
the shores of Pentapolis, losing all
his possessions except his armor.
He is rescued by fishermen and is
taken incognito to the court of
King Simonides, who is celebrating
his daughter Thaisa’s birthday
with a tournament. Pericles wins
the jousting competition and the
king grants him the hand of
Princess Thaisa.


John Gower The narrator,
who also delivers the epilogue.

Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Husband of Thaisa, father
to Marina.

Thaisa Daughter of King
Simonides, wife to Pericles,
and mother to Marina.

Antiochus King of Antioch,
intent on having Pericles
killed when Pericles discovers
Antiochus’s incestuous
relationship with his daughter.

Thaliart Villain hired by
Antiochus to murder Pericles.

Helicanus Loyal advisor
to Pericles.

Simonides King of Pentapolis
and father to Thaisa. Allows
Pericles to marry his daughter.

Marina Daughter of Pericles
and Thaisa, born at sea.
Dogged by misfortune, her
virtue and chastity ensure
her safety.

Cleon Governor of Tarsus.
Indebted to Pericles, he
pledges to protect and
raise Marina.

Dioniza Wife of Cleon, she
is jealous of Marina and plots
to murder her.

Cerimon A physician in
Ephesus who helps restore
Thaisa to life when she
washes up on the shore.

Lysimachus Governor
of Mytilene.

Diana Goddess of chastity.


7 & 9




Still fleeing from Thaliart,
Pericles is shipwrecked,
washing up on the shores
of Pentapolis.

Gower narrates the
story of Pericles,
beginning with the
incestuous King
Antiochus. Pericles
works out Antiochus’s
riddle but the king
secretly orders
his murder.

The hired villain Thaliart
arrives in Tyre to poison
Pericles, who manages
to escape to Tarsus.

Thaisa seemingly
dies giving birth en
route to Tyre. The
superstitious sailors
insist that her body be
thrown overboard.

Disguised for fear of his
life, Pericles takes part
in a tournament for
the suitors of King
Simonides’ daughter.
After winning the
tournament, Pericles
marries Thaisa.

Scenes 1–5 Scenes 7–11

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