The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1



he ship carrying Alonso
and Antonio is caught in
a storm and wrecked on
a strange island. From the shore,
the wizard Prospero assures his
worried daughter Miranda that the
storm was conjured by his own
magic and that all aboard are safe.
Prospero then tells her how he
was once Duke of Milan, until his
usurping brother Antonio drove
him to sea in a storm 12 years
ago, when Miranda was an infant.
Washed up on the island, Prospero
used his knowledge to make
servants of the island’s magical


spirit Ariel and the monster
Caliban, son of the witch Sycorax,
who is being punished for trying
to rape Miranda.
Alonso’s son Ferdinand
meets Miranda and they fall
in love, despite Prospero’s feigned
disapproval. Fearing that Ferdinand
drowned, Alonso and most of his
company are lulled to sleep by
Ariel. Antonio and Sebastian plot
to murder Alonso and the good
courtier Gonzalo, who dreams of
a commonwealth where all might
be happy. But Ariel wakes up
the company before Antonio


Prospero Exiled Duke
of Milan, living on a
magical island where he
was shipwrecked with his
daughter, having been cast out
to sea by his brother, Antonio.

Miranda Prospero’s
15-year-old daughter, driven
into exile with him.

Antonio Prospero’s brother,
the usurping Duke of Milan.

Alonso King of Naples.

Sebastian Alonso’s
scheming brother.

Ferdinand Alonso’s son, who
falls in love with Miranda.

Gonzalo An honest
Neapolitan courtier, who
allowed Prospero to take his
books with him into exile.

Adrian and Francisco
Neapolitan lords

Trinculo Alonso’s jester.

Stefano Alonso’s drunken

Master and Boatswain
Sailors aboard the storm-
tossed ship.

Ariel A magical spirit of
air, trapped by the dead
witch Sycorax, but freed
by Prospero to serve him.

Caliban Sycorax’s monstrous
son, enslaved by Prospero.
He finds a new master
in Stefano.

Iris, Ceres, and Juno
Spirits appearing in the
masques as nymphs.






Prospero tells how the
spirit Ariel and the
beast Caliban
became his servants.

Antonio, Alonso, and his
son Ferdinand are cast
ashore on an apparently
deserted island.

Prospero reveals
to his daughter
Miranda how his
brother Antonio
acquired a taste for
power and exiled

Antonio and Sebastian
plot to kill Alonso
while he sleeps, but Ariel
wakes him.

Ferdinand, enticed
from the others by
Prospero’s magic,
meets Miranda and
they fall in love.

Act 1 Act 2

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