Artist's Palette - AU (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

teacher, I created a series of interactive
painting demonstrations for a variety
of paintings. These demonstrations
enable people (who live too far away
to attend my classes in person) to be
able to purchase step-by-step painting
lessons on subjects of their choice.
They include written instructions
and photographs of the paintings
in progress. For convenience,
demonstrations can be downloaded
directly from my online gallery; or
for those without Internet access,
copies on paper can be posted.
What makes the demonstrations
unique is their interactive component.
With each demonstration, the purchaser
is entitled to two free consultations
with me – by email or telephone –
to enhance their painting progress.
People usually send an image of their
painting when they have completed
it, or if they are stuck at a particular
point; and I then give feedback and
suggestions on how to improve their
painting or strategies to overcome
their dilemna. After they have
implemented my advice, they send
me another image for final feedback.
The instructional component of Elena
Parashko Gallery has also led me to
many writing opportunities for a wider
audience. I have written articles and
painting demonstrations for severalart
magazines in Australia and the United
Kingdom, including Artist’s Palette
magazine Issue 49. ‘Art Calendar’,
the American business magazine for
visual artists, is also now publishinga
series of motivational features which
I am writing specifically for artists ...
addressing the challenges we face.
Making a positive difference
in people’s lives is important to
me, whether that is through my
paintings, through my teaching
or through my writing.

Elena Parashko can be contacted
by email at info@elenaparashko.
com or by telephone on
0404 032 785.

Visit the Elena Parashko Gallery
online at


Take Away Tonight

Three’s Company Gardenia

Free download pdf