4000 english words volume 5-ebook (1)

(DIEM PHUONG6u7g5j) #1



Word List ■ N M

a g g r e g a t e [cfegragit] adj.
When a number is aggregate, it is made up of smaller amounts added together.
-♦ The company totaled its aggregate sales for the entire year.

antibiotic [aentibaidtik] n.
An antibiotic is a medical drug used to kill bacteria and treat infections.
-> The doctor gave me a shot of an antibiotic when I got the flu.

Circuit [sarkit] n.
A circuit is a piece of an electronic device that allows electricity to flow.
—* Be very careful not to shock yourself when fixing an electrical circuit.

c o m p le m e n t [kdmplament] V.
To complement something or someone is to make them better.
-*■ The wool scarf complemented her lovely eyes.

r c o m p r e s s [kampres] V.
To compress something means to press or squeeze it so that it takes up less space.
-» I compressed my clothes to fit into a single suitcase.

d a ta b a s e [deitabeis] n.
A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer.
-» The company has a database of all the names and accounts of their customers.

r e q u iv a le n t [ikwivalant] n.
An equivalent is an amount or value that is the same as another amount or value.
I worked the equivalent of sixty hours this week.

r im m u n e [imjum] adj.
When someone is immune to a disease, they cannot be affected by it.
-+ Children usually get shots to make them immune to certain diseases.

C in p u t [input] n.
Input is information that is put into a computer.
-* Type the input into the computer program.

r in tim a te [intamit] adj.
When a relationship is intimate, the two things are very closely connected.
—► I only tell my secrets to my most intimate friends.
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